Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Three Favorite Photos of the Year

This photo is one of my favorites of the year because it shows a lot of emotion. This photo is descriptive without words on the people's emotions. You can tell that they are upset and sad. You can tell that the boy is crying and the young girl is worried because of her eyes and her position. The mothers facial expressions and they way she is holder her children shoe that something is wrong. You can see others behind them looking at something. That brings suspense to the photo. There is also a huge column of smoke in the back ground, that portrays that there must be something on fire or possibly a natural disaster that most likely effected they main subjects in the photo.
This photo is also one of my favorites because it brings reality to what people could be experiencing in there lives. This photo is also very emotional showing a young boy laying on his fathers grave on memorial day. It brings to reality that many people go through hard things, and these hard things could happen to some others when they are young. This photo in my opinion portrays why you cannot judge a book by its cover and you cannot judge a person by the outside because you don't know what they have gone through. 
This photo is one of my favorite photos of the year because it shows what is going on in different  parts of the world. Most citizens in the US are very unaware of what is going on in the world and what amazing lives they are most likely living compared to others. I'm not saying this goes for everyone, but for most people I know at least. I think the pictures alignment is amazing and I think the photo has dynamic. I think it creates a lot of emotion showing what a child's playground is in different parts of the world. In the US there are brand new ones all around, while in other places in the world there are few broken or none at all. I like how the photographer captured the background causing more of an effect.

The song that I thought was the best hit of 2015 was Photograph by Ed Sheeran. I have chosen this song because I enjoy it very much. I love the lyrics to the song and I think Ed Sheeran is a great artist. Ed Sheeran's album X was the second most popular album according to I think this song is the best of 2015 because it was 29 on the top 40 biggest songs and it was played on the radio many times. 

The best movie that came out in the year of 2015 was Jurassic World. This movie was the best movie because it was very thrilling. This movie kept you on the edge of your seat the whole movie, yes the movie was a little bit predictable, but it still managed to keep you on the edge of your seat. I think Jurassic World also teaches people a good lesson, which is, never try to bring dinosaurs back to life because it will turn out bad. This movie was the most exciting movie I watched this year and there were many viewings of it and it got 79% audience liking according to

I think the biggest story of the year was the debate and decision made on same sex marriage. I choose this as my most important news story because it was discussed for a long time and many people had different opinions on the subject. I believe that through 2015 a huge controversy was made do to legalization of gay marriage. The decision that was made stating that gay marriage is legal was a huge step or the United States. In my opinion it was not a huge step up or down, it was just a huge decision that was made and I believe because of this action there will be many new effects through out the world.

I think the most important person or group of 2015 was the black lives matter activist. I do believe that black people, even though they were declared with independence, get treated different than white people. I don't think it is fair that people get treated differently than others just because of their skin color. Not just blacks or Africans Americans, but all races should be treated evenly. The labels that were set for each race should not define every one who has a certain skin color. I think it is good that people are calling out those who treat others poorly. I think this is one of the best groups of 2015 because people are starting to become increasingly more hurtful slowly through the years. I believe it is good that others are trying to make a difference in the world, especially in the world we live in now. 

The biggest sport story of 2015 in my opinion was the US womens soccer team winning the FIFA World Cup against Japan. This is significant because the women's team beat Japan, their rival, 5 to 2 causing a win for the team. It think this is an important sports story because women's teams never get recongnized for anything, when really they are just as good as men are. I think this is an important story for 2015 because it is the girls first win in the world cup against Japan. 

One thing I will remember from my winter break trip this year was getting to see my best friend that moved to Utah last year. I had not seen him since the summer and it was really nice to hang out with him again because I missed not being able to hang out with him in Austin. 

My new year's resolution for 2016 is to try and be the nicest person I can be. I have also told my self that I am going to start training for cross country months before, but we will see that one turns out. 

I am looking forward to going to disney land with my best friend this summer. 

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