Friday, January 29, 2016

Free Write

Once upon a time there was a man sitting on a park bench reading a newspaper in Central Park, New York City. Now at the same time this man was reading the newspaper I happened to pass by. On the front cover there was an article about Taylor Swift that day. As I walked past the man I noticed he was reading the Taylor Swift article, and being the Swifty I am I went up to talk to the man. I asked him about what he thought about Taylor and he respond by saying he thinks she is very talented and seems very nice. Then we chatted for a few more minutes before I stated how badly I wanted to meet her. Before responding to what I said the man hesitated for a while. He had a look on his face that seemed to tell me he wanted to tell me something, but he wasn't sure if he should. Finally after a few moments of critical thinking the man whispered to me, "Okay, so, you seem like a really nice girl and like a awesome Taylor Swift fan."I replied, "Thank you!" Then the man spoke again saying,"okay, I am going to tell you something fairly amazing in my opinion. You cannot tell anyone though." my mind started racing, thinking of all the wonderful things he could say. Then my thinking was interrupted by the man's voice saying, "I am Taylor's manager, and I would like you to meet her." At first I was startled. Even though I thought so much about his reply I did not know what to expect. Finally the information the man just shared with me processed in my head. I was very excited, but I didn't know if I should believe him or not. therefore I asked for the mans name and Taylor Swift's record label company know what both were called.  The man said both the right names. I know people fake it out there, but for some reason I felt like this man was telling the truth, and this kind of opportunity does not happen every day. I stated to her really excited and asked him when and how. He asked me where my parents were and I told him just around the corner. He told me to take him to meet my parents and they would work out when I could meet Taylor. I took him to my mom and they introduced themselves. My mom was a little skeptical at first, but this man knew so much about what haw was saying my mom was finally persuaded. They made a plan and told me I would be able to meet Taylor the following day. If we both ended up like hanging out with each other enough we would be able to hang out the whole day, but as of now the plan was from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00p.m. I was so excited I would barley sleep that night. The next say a limo was sent to pick me up. It took me straight to Taylor's huge apartment house. I tried to take in everything that happened that moment. Every single breath and foot step. Her manager was with me and knocked on her door. Taylor opened up the door with a warm smile. Her manager introduced us and she told me to come in. An that is the story of how I met Taylor Swift  and became her best friend. The end.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Aperture, shutter speed and ISO

F2.8 aperture

F16 or higher aperture

1. The pupil of your eye.
2. The smaller the aperture the more isolated the subject is and more light can pass through the lens, the larger the aperture the less isolated the subject is and the less light can pass through the lens.
3. Depth of field kinda makes a subject more clear and takes away the background depending on how you want it to be set, and the aperture makes the subject lighter and more clear that it is the first thing you want to look at.

Shutter Speed:
High Shutter speed:

Low Shutter speed:

1.a)low shutter speed
 b)high shutter speed
 c)high shutter speed
 d)high or low shutter speed
 e)low shutter speed
 f)high shutter speed

 a)high shutter speed
 b)high shutter speed
 c)low shutter speed
 d)high shutter speed
 e)low shutter speed
 f)high shutter speed

2. Aperture priority, manual and shutter priority are all settings on your camera regarding shutter speed. In aperture priority mode you set the lens aperture and the camera will automatically set the shutter speed.  In manual mode you have to manually set the shutter speed and the aperture. In shutter priority mode you manually set the shutter speed and the aperture is automatically set for you.

ISO of 200

ISO of 3200

ISO of 6400

1. The advantage of shooting with a higher ISO at a sporting event is that it can help freeze a moment, or capture a play.
2. The author said that when you have enough light you should try to keep the lowest ISO you can have. That way you can have more detail and your picture will be at the highest quality. The lower your ISO though the longer it could take to capture a shot.
3. The author said that when you should increase the ISO when there is not enough time for you to capture an image quickly. You may need to increase your ISO when you are trying to take ultra-fast shots and when you are indoors.

Aperture settings: 2.8 to 22
Shutter speed: 1 sec to 1/4000 sec
ISO settings: 100 to 25600

Edited prompt shoot

Monday, January 25, 2016

Photography Ethics and Manipulation

1.A. The main point of the story is that there were two photo editors who changed their photos to make them more impressive and dramatic. The photo editors would use other people's pictures and change them. They would add new things to there photos, or take things out of their photos. 

1.B. I think this type is very unethical because the photos that they are changing are not there photos and they do not have the right to use them. They are also saying they went out and took the amazing photo they are presenting, but really they did nothing other than stealing manipulating someone else's work. This is very unethical because they could cause great offense to others. 

I think this photo is one of the most unethical photos because the UW officials photoshoped shopped a black person into this photo to try and show everyone how they have a diverse campus. This is unethical because they are trying to make themselves look better than everyone else when really they are worse then everyone else at this moment. It is very wrong because this person was not even at the game in the first place.


In this photo the people of National Geographic moved the pyramids closer to accommodate there photo. I think this is the least unethical because this is not super offending. Yes it is still wrong and they are not showing people the truth, but they are not hurting anyone by moving the pyramids. They were not trying to harm anyone in my opinion they were just trying to get people to look at their magazine. It is still wrong though. 

Prompt Shoot

Squares (Symmetry and Patterns)

Metal (Creating Depth)


Bowie (Rule of Thirds)

Thursday, January 21, 2016

CE #4.2

1. How many students attend an AISD school? Page A1 "Austin district no longer...."

There is an enrollment of 83, 591 students. 

2. How (not how much) will Big Ben State Park potentially grow by 578 acres? Page B1 "Big Bend State Park..."
Big Bend State Park will grow by involving swapping acres of public land for acres of the private neighboring, LaMota Ranch. 

3. What are the Pantone colors of the year? Page SA2 "New top Pantone colors..."
The Pantone colors of the year are Rose Quartz and Serenity blue. 

4. Do you know anyone who colors? What do you think about this new trend? Page D1 "Coloring Craze"
Yes, I do know people that color, and I like this new trend because I like to color and now coloring is not going to just be for little kids. I also think that it is very nice for people who love to color. 

5. Which of these would you like to attend this weekend if you could? WHY? Page D2 "The Long Weekend"
I would like to attend the Chicano Giants of Jazz because I enjoy listening to Jazz music, and I think it would be a fun experience with either friends or family members. 

Short Answer:
The major causes of global warming are the long term planetary warming caused by human emissions of green house gases. El Nino is also causing the earth to heat up more. Consequences of higher global temperature is an intensification of rainstorms because a warmer atmosphere can hold more water vapor. The oceans measurements are also becoming shorter as the Earth heats up. I do worry about global warming because it will effect everything on the Earth. I think as a society we can try to have less emission and green house gases spread to the atmosphere. We can try to make new technology that is safer for the environment and cheap enough for middle class to buy the tech so we can stop global warming. I think global warming is an issue. I do not think it is a huge issue as of now, but if humans do not do something about it things could become worse, to where it would be a huge problem. 

Tuesday, January 12, 2016



Rule of Thirds






Symmetry and Patterns


Current Event Quiz 4.1

1. What are 5 key points listeners can expect to hear from President Obama when he gives his final State of the Union address tonight? Page A1 "The Presidency"

The 5 key points Obama will be talking about is breakup note. Obama will be explaining how he is not expecting to work closely with Congress his final year. Retrospective, meaning he will be trying to have all his accomplishments show presented to the public. Social push, meaning Congress will be trying to reach out to a wider audience by creating a snapchat account. Tee up for the democrats, meaning he's going to try and not let republicans reverse what he has done this year. For example gay rights. Austin represented, two austinites will be present during Obama's speech. 

2. How did actor Sean Penn play a role in the capture of drug lord "El Chapo"? Page A5 "Penn: 'nothin' to hide'

Actor Sean Penn flew to Mexico and met up with an actress who lead him to the drug lord. Penn and the actress where followed to their 'secret' meeting with the drug lord, that is how officials were led to track Gunzman down. 

3. Name 4 of David Bowie's most famous songs. Page A9 "True Genius" of pop music..."

Bowie's most famous songs were, "Space Oddity", "Fame", "Heroes", and "Let's Dance".

4. What is the projected Powerball lottery payout for the lucky winner when the numbers are pulled Wednesday night? Page B1

The Powerball lottery has a prize of $1.4 billion.

 Would you go to Star Wars Universe at Disney World (Why)? Page SA3 "Bring the galaxy closer...."

Yes I would go to Star Wars Universe. I would go because I love Star Wars. I would love to see all the props and what types of things the used to create the props in the movie.  The effects in the new Star Wars: The Force Awakens was amazing in my opinion, so I would love to see the things they used. I was wondering if the ships were actually life size or not so I  would like to go to Star Wars to see things in the movie and ask questions about the movie. I would also love to see some the props because I think it would be cool because it is just like art. 

Short Answer: If I could buy lottery tickets I probably would not. I would not buy lottery tickets because I feel like they are a waste of money other than the about 1% chance you win. I also feel like lottery tickets are almost like drugs. Once you buy them you will want to continue to buy more and more hoping you will win. I also feel that buying lottery tickets would make me lose hope because I would most likely lose every time I bought one. I do not think my parents have bought lottery tickets. At least I do not think they have bought them while I have been alive. Even though powerball is offering a lot of money and is a huge contest I would still not buy lottery tickets. 
If I were to win the lottery I would buy myself a private plane. I would do this because I have to travel a lot. The reason I have to travel so much is because I have to visit my dad and brother who live in Utah. In that case it would be awesome to have my own plane, that way I could visit them more and easier. I would probably also go on a awesome vacation where ever I wanted to go with my whole family(extended family). I would go with my family because they are all my best friends and I love them all so much.  I would also make a lemonade business with my best friend. With the rest of the money I would save it. You never know when money would come in handy. There are so many crazy things that could happen and then I would have money to pay for college. 
If I were 3rd place in the lottery I would probably do the same things as if I got first place, except I would make the vacation I was going on shorter. 

Friday, January 8, 2016

Lone Star Dispatch Issue 3

News Story: New absence policy in effect this year
This story is about the new attendance policy AISD has made for the district, stating that students have to be at school 90% of the year. Being home sick, and going to family events is now counted against students as an unexcused absence.

Who was quoted in the story?
Kathy Ryan, Susan Leos, Lawrence Britton, Anita Yem, and Danielle Bryant. 
What quote was the strongest in your opinion?
"I think the biggest concern is that students and families may have a hard time understanding there really are few reasons why a students can miss school/class and it be excused. they have been used to these other reasons being 'automatically' waived," Ryan said. 

Did the lead sentence make you want to keep reading?
Yes it did. 

Was the conclusion a quote or a statement?
It was a quote. 

Commentary Story: Growing panic for school safety
This story talks about all the terrorism in the world today and how it is effecting schools. Students should consider school as a safe environment, but with all the terrorism these days school may have to step up the security. 

Who was quoted in the story?

What quote was the strongest in your opinion?
There was no quotes in the story

Did the lead sentence make you want to keep reading?
The lead sentence made me have some interest, but I fell like it could have more. 
Was the conclusion a quote or a statement?
It was a statement.

Student Life Story: WWII lives on with Yeager's collection
This story is about senior Jack Yeager who has a passion for WWII. Yeager has been interested in history since he was little and now he collects things and does reenactments for others about WWII.

Who was quoted in the story?
Jake Yeager, Tyler Perkins, Michael Stroud, and Frank Yeager.

What quote was the strongest in your opinion?
"We put on show 'battles' for the public and give weapons demos and lessons to the public about WWII," Yeager said. 

Did the lead sentence make you want to keep reading?
This lead sentence did not make me want to keep reading the story, the title is what got me interested. 

Was the conclusion a quote or a statement?
It was a quote. 

Entertainment Story: 
This story explains how the advanced commercial photography class took a photo shoot of teachers kids for there final exam. The students of this class got to choose the topic of taking a shoot of babies for the christmas holiday, the students had to create all their props and they had to set up their lighting for their final exam as well as taking pictures. 

Who was quoted in the story?
Chanel Henry, Brenda Saucedo, and Aubrey Choate.

What quote was the strongest in your opinion?
"Overall, this was one of my favorite activities in the class and it's special to be ale to have such a real world experience with clients," Saucedo said. 
Did the lead sentence make you want to keep reading?
Yes it did. 
Was the conclusion a quote or a statement?
It was a quote. 

Athletics Story: Soccer team 'kicks' into gear
This soccer is about the soccer season and how it has started. It includes what you should do to make the soccer team. 

Who was quoted in the story?
Ryan Logan, Hayley Farr, Whitney Johnson, and Coach Hoffman.

What quote was the strongest in your opinion?
"Give it all you've got, you cannot hold anything back. you only have a limited amount of time for the coaches to see you. Another thing the coaches like to see is not just your talent but also your attitude. If you do not have a good attitude coaches will not want to put up with you. be respectful and a team player," Farr said.

Did the lead sentence make you want to keep reading?
Yes it did. 

Was the conclusion a quote or a statement?
It was a quote. 

In-Depth Story: Senior fights a life-long disease with no sign of a cure 
This story is about a girl named Katy Jacobs who suffers from an incurable diabetes. This disease although sad does not keep Jacobs from living her life to the fullest. 

Who was quoted in the story?
Katy Jacobs, Bryn Williams, Summer Hawkins, and Gary Jacobs.

What quote was the strongest in your opinion?
"The fact that she can not only lie life beyond how others choose to, but also make light of her situations is so amazing to me," Williams said.

Did the lead sentence make you want to keep reading?
Yes it did.

Was the conclusion a quote or a statement?
It was a quote. 

1. My favorite photo is the combat surrender one that goes along with the store, WWII live on with Yeager's collection. 
1a.This is my favorite photo because of the way it is lined up. The person is directly in the center and the background is a little blurred out. I think the photographer did a great job of taking the picture at the right moment, and I like that it is in black and white. I like that because it goes along with the story well. 

2. My least favorite photo is the blood work one, going along with the story, Senior fights a life-long disease with no sign of a cure. 
2a. This is my least favorite photo because the angle is awkward. The colors are not the best and in my opinion they could have gotten a different perspective of how this could be portrayed.

3. I would like to take pictures for the, Bees find a sweet home on campus story. 

4. I would rate the photography a 6 out of 10 because I believe all the stories could have photos captured with a different concept. The photos also could have had a few different angles, most things were centered right in the middle. 

Brainstorming task:
I think that a cool topic that should be covered in the newspaper should be youth groups that are students attend. I know many students that have many different religions and many of there churches have youth groups. I would be cool to learn what the youth groups do and where the activities happen. 
Jordan Haschke would be a person you could interview for this story because she is religious and she attends youth groups for her church. Jordan is very involved in her church and she knows a lot of other resources for other people you could use for interviews. 

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Three Favorite Photos of the Year

This photo is one of my favorites of the year because it shows a lot of emotion. This photo is descriptive without words on the people's emotions. You can tell that they are upset and sad. You can tell that the boy is crying and the young girl is worried because of her eyes and her position. The mothers facial expressions and they way she is holder her children shoe that something is wrong. You can see others behind them looking at something. That brings suspense to the photo. There is also a huge column of smoke in the back ground, that portrays that there must be something on fire or possibly a natural disaster that most likely effected they main subjects in the photo.
This photo is also one of my favorites because it brings reality to what people could be experiencing in there lives. This photo is also very emotional showing a young boy laying on his fathers grave on memorial day. It brings to reality that many people go through hard things, and these hard things could happen to some others when they are young. This photo in my opinion portrays why you cannot judge a book by its cover and you cannot judge a person by the outside because you don't know what they have gone through. 
This photo is one of my favorite photos of the year because it shows what is going on in different  parts of the world. Most citizens in the US are very unaware of what is going on in the world and what amazing lives they are most likely living compared to others. I'm not saying this goes for everyone, but for most people I know at least. I think the pictures alignment is amazing and I think the photo has dynamic. I think it creates a lot of emotion showing what a child's playground is in different parts of the world. In the US there are brand new ones all around, while in other places in the world there are few broken or none at all. I like how the photographer captured the background causing more of an effect.

The song that I thought was the best hit of 2015 was Photograph by Ed Sheeran. I have chosen this song because I enjoy it very much. I love the lyrics to the song and I think Ed Sheeran is a great artist. Ed Sheeran's album X was the second most popular album according to I think this song is the best of 2015 because it was 29 on the top 40 biggest songs and it was played on the radio many times. 

The best movie that came out in the year of 2015 was Jurassic World. This movie was the best movie because it was very thrilling. This movie kept you on the edge of your seat the whole movie, yes the movie was a little bit predictable, but it still managed to keep you on the edge of your seat. I think Jurassic World also teaches people a good lesson, which is, never try to bring dinosaurs back to life because it will turn out bad. This movie was the most exciting movie I watched this year and there were many viewings of it and it got 79% audience liking according to

I think the biggest story of the year was the debate and decision made on same sex marriage. I choose this as my most important news story because it was discussed for a long time and many people had different opinions on the subject. I believe that through 2015 a huge controversy was made do to legalization of gay marriage. The decision that was made stating that gay marriage is legal was a huge step or the United States. In my opinion it was not a huge step up or down, it was just a huge decision that was made and I believe because of this action there will be many new effects through out the world.

I think the most important person or group of 2015 was the black lives matter activist. I do believe that black people, even though they were declared with independence, get treated different than white people. I don't think it is fair that people get treated differently than others just because of their skin color. Not just blacks or Africans Americans, but all races should be treated evenly. The labels that were set for each race should not define every one who has a certain skin color. I think it is good that people are calling out those who treat others poorly. I think this is one of the best groups of 2015 because people are starting to become increasingly more hurtful slowly through the years. I believe it is good that others are trying to make a difference in the world, especially in the world we live in now. 

The biggest sport story of 2015 in my opinion was the US womens soccer team winning the FIFA World Cup against Japan. This is significant because the women's team beat Japan, their rival, 5 to 2 causing a win for the team. It think this is an important sports story because women's teams never get recongnized for anything, when really they are just as good as men are. I think this is an important story for 2015 because it is the girls first win in the world cup against Japan. 

One thing I will remember from my winter break trip this year was getting to see my best friend that moved to Utah last year. I had not seen him since the summer and it was really nice to hang out with him again because I missed not being able to hang out with him in Austin. 

My new year's resolution for 2016 is to try and be the nicest person I can be. I have also told my self that I am going to start training for cross country months before, but we will see that one turns out. 

I am looking forward to going to disney land with my best friend this summer.