Friday, November 13, 2015

Feature writing preview

1. A hard news lead has a lot more words than 2 and they usually have more than one sentence. The one I read in this story was two words

2. I found these questions answered in paragraphs 1, 2 and 3. Mainly paragraph 2.

3. Yes, there are quotes

4. No they are not arranged in "quote-transition"

5. Kenvin McLoughlin, Ted Williams, Doral Chenoweth lll, Ken Andrews, Tony Florentino, Shane Cormier, and Patrick Harris are quoted.

6. I think the most powerful quote is "'We run into these guys at the exit ramps and we pretty much ignore them.' said Chenoweth."

7. There are 33 paragraphs

8.762 words

9. The significance of the lead and the last paragraph is that there are only one sentence and they only have a few words.

10. At the beginning the author was trying to hook the reader to read the rest of the story by putting a few words for the lead. The author was trying to make people wonder what they story was about. The last paragraph the author was trying to end the story with a drastic meaningful ending in my opinion. He or she was trying to make the store more memorable and different form others, and with the last paragraph/sentence he was trying to tell the reader something they would remember.

11. The story was pretty interesting to read, but I feel like the quotes were kinda places weird and I got a little confused. The idea they wrote about was great though and it kept me reading.

12. Yes, I did want to hear his voice.

13. The video made me kinda blown away. I kinda had an idea what his voice would sound like, but then I saw him and heard his voice and I was like 'whoa' I did not know that was going to happen. The video helped me to make the story clearer too. I could really know what Williams sounded like.

14. I think the story would have lost impact with out the story because people would read the story and be like 'why am I reading this if I can even hear what they guys sounds like'. People wouldn't know what Williams voice really sounds like and it would make the story less interesting and impactful.

15. Yes the author did.

16. The author told you that Williams had a radio show/talk show host voice. The author also said "The smooth baritone".

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