Friday, November 6, 2015

Current Event Quiz 3.1

1.Why does Travis County want to ban the Confederate flag from a parade to be held this month in Austin? Page A1 "Controversy erupts over..."

They want the Confederate flag removed from the parade because it is a political symbol of hatred and racism.

2. How did Julian Hernandez find out he was a victim of kidnapping by his father? Page A12 "Teen discovers..."

Julian found out that he was kidnapped when he was applying to colleges and they had a problem with his social security number.

3. Why does a group of kids have to climb a ladder to get to school? Page B2 "Young students' trek to school.."

This group of kids have to climb a ladder through peoples backyards because their neighborhood doesn't have a sidewalk. The school they attend has bus service, but only for areas in the school district and these students are not in the school district. The superintendent has no allowed sidewalks to be built in the areas because they want bus routes, but they also will not allow bus routes in the non school district areas so the kids have to trek to school over the ladders.

4. Three-part question, make sure to answer all 3: What business is Whole Foods in? What business is Amplify Snacks in? What business is HomeAway in? BE SPECIFIC FROM THE READINGS. Page B6 top 3 stories on the page.

Whole foods is in the food business it is in the Austin-based organic food giant
HomeAway is in the inline vacation rental industry. It is and Austin-based industry that is leading in this market but was just bought by Expedia.
Amplify snacks is in the food business and the are Austin-based maker of popcorn and tortilla chips for health conscious consumers.

5. What is Elena Donio trying to do with her life and how is she carrying her goals out? Page SA1 "Mentoring women in tech".

Donio is trying to make tech more appealing for women and she is trying to carry out her goals by helping women get through those 'hard times'. She helps them to be able to have a life outside of their tech jobs.

Short answer:

This article is an editorial. It is a timeliness because it uses recent topics and it has an issue where one person is giving there opinions on the topic. David Brooks was making a point of how out lives are focused on screens and they are so full of materials, he saying we need to simplify our lives so we can truly live them and become who we really are. Find ourselves. He makes many points in his article and some support he offered was when he talked about Henry David Thoreau's protest saying "as you simplify your life the laws of the universe will become simpler; solitude will not be solitude; poverty will not be poverty, nor weakness weakness." I think the editorial was termed "From the Right" because the editorial was not he right side of the paper and there is another editorial on the left. Both of the editorials probably had different ideas and opinions and they had different writers, so if a reader wanted to find a certain editorial they would know where to go. Brooks did convince me of his point because he wrote like he knew what he was talking about. He put many great examples and he was not wishy-washy with his words and opinions. He explained reasons of why people should want to really live their lives and become who they really are.

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