Monday, October 5, 2015

The Big Day

A frustrated young an is driving in his car (Volkswagen) as he races to the church where the women he is in love with is about to get married. The bride is getting married, but she doesn't look happy and keeps looking out the window as she is getting ready. The man keeps getting stuck in traffic, but finally he gets there. The man who was driving opens the church doors to see the women getting married to another man. He looks at them both with an astonished face. The women looks ashamed while looking down at the ground, but then she looks into the mans eyes who just arrived and she looks confused. The man who arrived seemed as though he was going to stop the wedding he had a look of yearning in his face. He was dressed in a suit and looked as though he was going to be the best man though. When he walks in the bride and the man stare at each other and the man seems as though he was going to stop the wedding and the women looks like she almost wants him to, but yet at the same time she is glad he has not stopped the wedding yet.

Who: Bride: Isabella  Groom: Brayden  Other guy/Isabellas ex fiance: Benjamin
What:The day Isabella and Brayden are getting married Ben decides he needs to stop it because he has feelings for her. He is trying to get to the wedding but he keeps getting held up. When he gets in there everyone looks astonished and the groom seems to not know that Ben had feeling towards Isabella, but she seems to know.
When:On a rainy day in May 19
Where:In a chapel and on the wet slick roads
Why:Ben does not want Isabella getting married to Brayden because he loves her and she seems to somewhat seem the same way.
How: Ben drives to the wedding on the wet slick roads.

On a wet curvy mountain road a frustrated young man, was driving fiercely to his true love. It's May 19, 2013 and it's Isabella White's (Soon to be Isabella Scott) and Brayden Scott's wedding day.

"I was so excited! I have been waiting for this day to come pretty such since I had met Brayden!" Isabella said.

Benjamin Green had been struggling ever since he heard the news of the marriage. Being Isabella's ex-finance was hard enough as it is, now she was getting married to someone else, that was one of Ben's good friends.

"When I was younger I was engaged to Isabella. It was going great, but i made a huge mistake. I started keeping things from Isabella that I thought weren't that big of a deal. They were a really big deal and I was just to young and immature to understand. That led to us breaking up. I would do anything to take back what I did," Ben said.

Brayden and Isabella have been dating for 2 years and they have been engaged for about 10 months. They have been looking forward to this big day for many months, and know it was finally happening. Little did they know they were about to have a huge surprise that was not necessarily a good one. Ben decided that day that he needed to do something about what was happening, he decided to try and stop the wedding.

"Finally when I heard the news of the wedding I couldn't take it. I decided I had to do something about it. I mean nothing that bad could happen right, all that I was planning on doing was talking to Isabella and letting her know how I felt about her. Maybe she would feel the same way, I wasn't sure though. I mean maybe she really did love the man she was marrying," Ben said.

On the same day of the marriage Ben drove for 5 hours to get to Isabella wedding in a chapel in the mountains of Utah. It was a cool rainy day. Ben spent his day speeding down the slick wet roads in the damp air. He kept stressing about not making it to the wedding on time, checking his watch every 3 minutes.

"I wanted to get to the wedding early so I could be more sutile about my appearance. It seemed like all the odds ere against me though because I kept getting stuck in traffic," Ben said.

At the same time Isabella was getting ready for the ceremony. Isabella could sense a strange feeling, but she assumed she was just getting worked up about the wedding. She looked at her dress in awe and enjoyed the time she was having with her friends while preparing.

"I don't know, but I could feel that something was wrong. My stomach was turning and I was shaking. I just assumed it was because I was getting married. Getting married is a big deal and everyone said that they were nervous before their wedding. They told me to just not think about it and have fun. I just thought I was being paranoid," Isabella said.

Ben continued to drive as fast as he could through the vastly mountains. Isabella could not shake the feeling that something was wrong, she kept fidgeting with her ring as she impatiently waited for the time of the ceremony to start. When Isabella was done getting ready her dad, Chase White, came to speak to her. He kept her calm while she was waiting. He too could sense that something was off about the day. He knew that Ben was still in love with Isabella and he thought he was acting out, yet he kept looking at the door to make sure there were no surprise guests coming in.

"I too felt as if though something strange was going on. I also knew that Ben was in love with Isabella still, it was on my mind. I just tried to keep my cool. I thought as long as he doesn't show up before the ceremony starts everything was going to get married. I also just thought that maybe it was just me, I mean my daughter was getting married today, its a little nerve racking," Chase said.

As Ben was driving he kept getting stuck behind traffic, but he was determined and kept finding ways to get around the traffic. He continued to drive as fast as possible. Ben tried to think of ways he could sutiley stop the wedding, but he couldn't think when all of his nerves were so off balance from him being so scared, excited, and nervous.

"I knew that some people might not be happy, but you have to take risks in your life if you want to get anywhere and get what you want," Ben said.

Intently Isabella looked out the window, she didn't know what she was looking for, but it kept drawing her attention. She peered out the window, but she did not see anything. Finally the ceremony began. She walked quietly through the doors to the chapel as her dad closed the large wooden doors behind her.

"My heart was racing I was so, so excited to get married to the man I love! I just kept telling myself don't trip, don't trip as I walked down that aisle. I could barley keep all my feelings in though. There were so many different emotions I was feeling and it was really hard to try and stay content," Isabella said.

Aggressively Ben drove up to the church and parked in front of the doors he ran up the steps and busted into the chapel where the ceremony was taking place.

"I knew I was doing this, I had come this far and I couldn't give up know," Ben said.

Glancing at Ben, Isabella looked at him and then quickly looked to Brayden and then the ground with fear, disappointment, and astonishment. Isabella looked as if she had done something wrong.

"I just cannot believe he was here. My heart started beating faster then it ever has and all these different scenarios about what could happen kept going on in my head. I was so nervous, what was Brayden going to think? How could he get here? Why was he here? I mean he had the chance to be with me and he ruined it," Isabella said.

Brayden looked at Ben confused before he realized what was about to happen. Brayden looked to Isabella sad, confused and mad at what was happening.

"At first I thought who is this guy? Why is he at my wedding and why now? But then I realized who it was. It was my old friend Ben. Ben and I used to be friends in the old days, but we just went on different paths. I knew Isabella had been engaged to him, but she didn't like to talk about it, so I never brought it up. I thought it was completely ended though, so I got angry that Isabella never told me he still had feelings for her. I knew it wasn't her fault though, but I couldn't help being upset with pretty much everyone," Brayden said.

Ben had ran into the chapel before he knew what was happening and what was going on.

"When I went into the chapel I saw Isabella and Brayden Scott. I knew Isabella was getting married, but I had no idea it was to Brayden. I was shocked and I couldn't help but just stare," Ben said.

Isabella could barley take in what was happening. She looked to the ground then back to Ben with her giant brown eyes. Terrified and overwhelmed Isabella's thoughts about what was about to happen ran wild.

"I was so nervous about what could happen that I couldn't even speak, I could only stare and imagine the outcomes of what was going to happen," Isabella said.

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