Thursday, October 29, 2015

CE 2.3

1. Who is the new Speaker of the house and what political party are they aligned with? Page A1 "GOP taps new speaker..."

The new speaker of the house is Paul Ryan and he is aligned with the republican party 

2. What does the law in Texas specifically say regarding a persons failure to identify themselves? QUOTE directly from the story on Page B1 "Video taker sues in arrest"

"According to Texas law, failure to identify becomes an offense if the person 'intentionally refuses to give a name, residents address, or date of birth to an officer who has lawfully arrested the person and requested the information.'"

3. What two teams are playing in the world series? Page C1

The mets and the royals

4. What are 2 Do's and 2 Don'ts when trying to bring autumn into your home decor? Page SA2 "Bring autumn indoors"

- Do purchase seasonal items in unexpected color combinations
- Do consider incorporating the season into your decor using accent pieces such and toss pillows and throws
-Don't buy seasonal items in colors that aren't part of your current decor
-Don't go over board with seasonal decor.

5. Of the 5 weekend suggestions, which would you like to do most? Page D2 "The Long Weekend"

Of the suggestions I would choose I would like to do the Treaty Oa Distilling's Halloween the best. I choose this because I think it would be something fun to do with my friends for a day.

Short answer:

I have seen the video to this story and I was scared when I saw this. After reading the story it seems the girl didn't do anything illegal or bad enough to have to get thrown. I have never seen a officer act like that to a child and it scared me to see that. I do think that police brutality is a problem in the country because every once and a while there will be a police man or women who gets to caught up in having power and they decide to take advantage of that. Some will also become to cautious and they will brutally hurt or injure a person just because they look suspicious. I think racism is a big factor in the issue of the law. People have been labeled by the color of their skin and some people automatically still think of it in that way and they can't help it, so police men or women can be more attacked to seeing suspicions with people who have colored skin because of the way they were labeled. I believe sometimes social media and technology can be the cause of a illegal or lawful issue, but sometimes like in this case it can be helpful. Cell phones allow you to be able to call for others when you need help and get proof like how a student did for this girl in the situation so they can have justification. If no one had recorded the situation that deputy may not have been fired and he could have done what he did to that one girl to other people. I do think it is a good thing that this story and others like it get exposed because with out these videos some people could get away with bad stuff and never get caught. Not getting caught one time could cause them to try to do what they did over and over again and again.

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