Monday, October 19, 2015

Huntington Story

53 year old Jancie Jones from Barstow California, was eating in her motor home on Wednesday night at 10p.m. when her dog knocked over her handgun. The gun hit the floor and it discharged and went through her right leg.

Jones was transported by the ambulance to Huntington Beach Hospital, then later that night she was transported to Irvine Medical Center. Jones' dog was placed in the hands of Huntington Beach Animal Control officers. The dog seemed to be malnourished and had fresh cigarette burns on its forehead. The Animal Control officers are considering filing papers for abuse. Jones was also found to have expired plates and no gun permit.

"Jones was eating pork chops in the back of her motor home, which was parked on Beach Boulevard by Highway 1, when her dog knocked over her 9mm hand gun off a seat. The bullet then went through Jones' motor home and leg," California Highway Patrol press liaison Tammy Rye said.

Although the shoot was bad and it went through Jones' leg other things could have happened.

"It could have been worse," Rye said. "The bullet was 2 inches away from hitting the gas tank. That would have been a catastrophe."

Jones' dog, a Pomeranian named Tombo, was supposedly the cause of the accident. People seem to think that it was no the dogs fault though.

"Tombo may have knocked the gun to the floor, but it wasn't her fault because Jones should not have had the gun in the first place. I know the police are already thinking of charging her for not having a gun permit and Jones' license plates were expired. She will also most likely be charged for that," Rye said.

Jones was also found to be abusing her dog. Tombo seemed to be malnourished when put into the hands of the Huntington Beach Animal Control officers.

"The dog was abused and we are thinking of filing charges against Jones'. We don't want to keep the dog in danger, so we are also thinking about trying to find the dog another home," Janet Ngo a Animal Control officer said.

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