Monday, September 21, 2015

Student of the Month Interview

1.How does it feel to be student of the month?
2.Who made the decision to make you student of the month?
3.How did you become student of the month?
4.Do you feel all the hard work you put in paid off now that you have become student of the month?
5.Are there any special privaliges that come with being student of the month? If so what are they?
6.Do you think you deserved to be student of the month? Why?
7.Did you have any motives to try and become student of the month?
8.Did you have any competitors? If so describe what that felt like.
9.Did any of your teachers help you to become student of the month?
10.Did you think you would become student of the month?
11.What were your first thoughts and feelings when you became student of the month?
12.Did your peers congratulate you when you became students of the month?
13.Are you enjoying being student of the month?
14.What are pros of being student of the month? Why?
15.What are cons of being student of the month? Why?
16.Is being student of the month a big deal?
17.Is there a student of the month every month or are months skipped?
18.Have you ever been student of the month before? If so is being student of the month as exciting or is it better this time than before? Why? If not would you like to be student of the month again? 
19.What is the worst part of being student of the month so far?
20.Was their anyone who helped you with becoming student of the month? If so why do you think they choose to help you? If you feel its appropriate to share who helped you and how did they help you?

1.The students' teachers
2.The people that helped the student succeed if there are any
3.Possibly the principal of the school
4.The students friends and/or family

1.It feels great to be student of the month.
2. My teachers and peers made the decision. 
3. I became student of the month because I got involved in band and I got good grades.
4.Yes, I do feel all my hard worked paid off now that I am student of the month because I worked hard by going to school extra than I had too.
5. Yes, there are special privileges like free ice cream on Thursdays.
6.Yes, I think I deserved student of the month because I worked hard and I didn't give up.
7. Yes, I did have motives to become student of the month because it seemed interesting at the time.
8.Yes, I did have competitors and it felt scary, because I thought I was going to lose and I wasn't going to be able to become student of the month.
9. Yes, I did have teachers help me become student of the month. Mr. Lauer helped me because he motivated me.
10. Yes, I did think I would become student of the month because I worked hard.
11. My first thoughts and feelings when I learned I became student of the month were full of happiness because my hard work paid off.
12. My peers did not congratulate me because they we're jealous that I became student of the month and they didn't.
13. yes, I am enjoying being student of the month because it makes my other friends jealous.
14. Pros of being student of the month is that it look good on a college application.
15. Cons of being student of the month are that your friends are mad at you for being better than them.
16. No, it's not a big deal because that sounds ambitious.
17. There is a student of the month every month. If it was every two months it would be called the student of every two months.
18. No and no I would not like to be student of the month again because I would like to give others the good opportunity that I have gotten to have.
19. The worst part of being student of the month so far was the awards ceremony. This was hard because I had to give a speech. I don't like speeches because speeches require me to talk.
20. Yes, there were many people who helped me. They decided to help me because they knew I had the spirit to become student of the month. I don't feel its appropriate to share.

*Other 2 sources I need to interview would be Mr. Lauer and Luke's best friend.

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