Friday, September 25, 2015

Stories of the Century

1.In this event where there was the march for civil rights, many black people who were getting treated wrongly at the time marched to the capitol to try and win there civil rights.This is were all the supporters of black people getting their civil rights marched down the capitol so they would be heard and possibly win their civil rights. During this time Martin Luther King Jr. age his famous speech "I Have a Dream".
I believe this is one of the most important and interesting events because there were so many black people living in the United States that were told they finally have freedom, yet no one treated them like they had freedom. They had been slaves for many years and they deserved to be treated like regular people, but even though that they had finally bee given freedom legally no one followed the law about treating them not like they were still slaves. Finally, they all got so sick of being treated poorly thousands of supporters of black civil rights marched on the capitol so they could finally have true freedom and their civil rights.

2.In this event President John F. Kennedy was driving in a car in Dallas Texas when a sniper shot a rifle at him from up on a building and killed him. President Kennedy was making speeches in Fort Worth and then made him way to Dallas where he was driving in him car. Then, the assassin struck and shot President Kennedy, that one shot killed him.
I believe this event is interesting and important because it was a very random thing that happened very quickly. President Kennedy was just driving in his car when all the sudden he was shot, he had only been president for a few days and had not made any drastic decisions that had upset a lot of people. The Kennedy family also has a very unlucky reputation in the public eye. It is very strange that President Kennedy was driving in his car and he happened to get shot in the head.

3. This is an event where a man named Jackie Robinson was asked to play  on the Brooklyn Dodgers baseball team. Robinson was the first black man to play for a white baseball team. This was a major event that caused Robison to go through many struggles, but it also caused many people to be inspired by him.
I believe this is an important and interesting event because Jackie Robinson was the first black man to play on a white major leagues baseball team. There were many white people who were rude and thought just because Jackie was black that he couldn't play baseball, yet he was one of the best players. He was a inspiration to many people throughout the Untied States. Jackie proved that just because you are a different race it doesn't mean you can't do what other people can. This was also a big civil rights movement.

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