Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Additional Student of the Month Interview

Mr. Lauer
1.How did you help Luke achieve his goal in becoming student of the month?
2.Why did you decide to help him?
3.At the beginning did you think he would become student of the month?
4.At the end did you think he would become student of the month?
5.Do you think Luke deserved to become student of the month? Why?
6.What were your first thoughts when you learned Luke became student of the month?
7.If you could say anything to Luke what would you say?
8.What do you teach and how did you help Luke?

1.I helped Luke achieve his goal in becoming student of the month by helping him with all his work that he was confused on. I tried to make him stay motivated and tried to help him enjoy learning.
2.I decided to help Luke because I noticed he made pretty good grades and he wasn't even trying super hard, so i figured with a little motivation and help on things he didn't understand great he could become student of the month easy. I also enjoy Luke as a student, he never messes around and he tries to do his best.
3.When I first started helping Luke I thought he had a pretty good chance of becoming student of the month. I wasn't positive because it was to early in month to tell and I did not know who else was running.
4.At the end of the month I still couldn't tell if he was going to make it for sure, but I knew he was definitely one of the top students in the running because he hit all the expectations and he is a great student. 
5.I think that Luke deserved to become student of the month. I believe this because I could see how much effort he was putting into this. Luke is a great student and he deserve to be recognized for all the great things he is going.
6.When I first learned Luke became student of the month I was happy. I was happy for him because I knew he deserved it and all the hard work he put into this paid off.
7.If I could say anything to Luke I would tell him that he is a great kid. He's not just a great student, but he is a great kid and if he keeps working like how he did to achieve this he could achieve almost anything he puts his mind too. 
8.I teach geography and I helped Luke by letting him come to my school during lunch or after and before school so I could give the help he needs not just in my class, but I helped him in some subjects that I knew about.

Lukes best friend,
1.Did Luke tell you that he was running for student of the month?
2. What did you feel when you learned he was running for student of the month?
3. Did you help Luke in anyway to become student of the month?
4.Did you notice anything different about Luke when he was preparing for student of the month? Like was a he gone more?
5.Did you have any other friends who were running for student of the month?

1.Luke did tell me he was running for student of the month about one week after he signed up. He told me after a week because he wanted to make sure he was definitely going to run for student of the month.
2.When Luke became student of the month I was happy for him. I think that he deserved this because he worked really hard, but there was that part of me that was jealous because it looks good on your college application and stuff. If I really wanted to become student of the month though I would have a chance another month, so I was mostly happy for him.
3.I think I helped Luke become student of the month is some way. On homework that he didn't understand I would help him figure it out, most of the time it was the other way around though. I also supported Luke while he was running for student of the month.
4.When Luke was preparing for student of the month I noticed that he wasn't around as much and he was always doing homework or studying. 
5.I did not have any other friends that were running for student of the month. I was happy about that though because then I would've felt bad for one of the friends and it would of put me in an awkward position.

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