Wednesday, September 30, 2015

News Ethics

"Using the 'Holocaust' Metaphor"
The organization PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) launched a new campaign called "Holocaust on Your Plate". This is a campaign that is comparing the slaughter of animals to the  murder of about 6 million Jews during WWII. This campaign was made because The PETA thinks that to many animals are being slaughter for the use of humans. I believe it is ethically wrong to compare the slaughter of animals to the holocaust. I believe this because the Holocaust was such a terrible thing that was done for no reason. This comparison can be thought of as hurtful to the Jews that were put in to these concentration camps because you are pretty much saying they are animals. We also almost always kill animals for a reason and for a use. We use animals for food, clothing, and etc. I'm not saying killing animals is good especially the amount that we are, but I don't believe this comparison is fair.

"A Suspect 'Confession'"
A 41 year old man, John Mark Karr was arrested in Bangkok Thailand at the request of Colorado officials. Karr was arrested for suspicion of a murder that he confessed of being guilty of in questioning. In December of 1996 Karr had strangled JonBenet Ramsey, the young journalist Michael Tracy had told the authorities of the suspicion once he read old emails he and Karr had written to each other. I think that you should tell the authorities if you figured out a murder suspect even though you are breaking confidentiality. People may think this is wrong, but in the case where a man or woman had killed someone and they have not been found by the police you should tell because people would think it would be more ethically wrong not to tell the police.

"The Media's Foul Ball"
At a Chicago cubs baseball game in 2003 a fan in the crowd deflected a foul ball so the outfielder, Moises Alou, couldn't catch the ball that could've lead to a potential win which would cause the team to go to the world series for the first time since 1945. This fan was unknown until the newspaper called the Chicago Sun-Times reveled his identity because he was "the center of a national news story". After sharing this information this writer and the newspaper got  many complaints about sharing the mans confidential information. I think sharing this mans name, address, and work place was way over the line. Sharing this information with the public could have put the man in danger due to angry fans. You should never share anyones personal information with the public unless the people/person says it is okay and you have a reason to do so.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Student of the Month Rough Draft

What:Luke became student of the month
When:At the beginning of the month, October
Where:James Bowie High School
Why:Luke qualifed for student of the month and exceeded all the expectations.
How: Luke worked very hard 

On October 1 at James Bowie HS freshman Luke W., was announced to be the new student of the month, for meeting all the expectations while running for the award.

"It feels great to be student of the month. I think I became student of the month because I got involved in band and I got good grades," said Luke.

When Luke first learned that he had became student of the month he was full of happiness because now he knew that all this hard worked had paid off.

"Yes, I do feel all my hard worked paid off now that I am student of the month because I worked hard by going to school extra then I had too," said Luke.

Being of the student of the month is a big accomplishment that comes with many pros, but there are cons to every good thing that happens.

"Pros of being student of the month is that it looks good on a college appellation. Cons of being student of the month are that your friends are mad at you for being better than them," said Luke.

Luke was happy that he became student of the month, but Luke seems to think his peers were not so happy about the decision that was made.

"My peers did not congratulate me because they we're jealous that I became student of the month and they did not," Luke said.

As Luke said there are some cons to being student of the month. Being student of the month is a great privilege to every student who becomes it, but every student of the month has a bad experience during their time. Luke seems to have already gotten his over with.

"The worst part of being student of the month so far was the awards ceremony. This was hard because I had to give a speech. I don't like speeches because speeches require me to talk," Luke said.

Becoming student of the month is a difficult task that takes a lot of effort and hard work. Luke managed to do all this,  but as most people he needed a little bit of help and support from others.

"There were many people who helped me. They decided to help me because they knew I had the spirit to become student of the month. I did have teachers help me to become student of the month. Mr. Lauer helped me because he motivated me," Luke said.

Geography teacher, Mr. Lauer, has Luke as one of his students and decided to help him achieve his goal when he figured out that Luke was wanting to become student of the month. Lauer knew that Luke could become student of the month if he had a little help with things he didn't understand, a place where he could focus on his work and study, and some one who would motivate him.

"I decided to help Luke because I noticed he made pretty good grades averagely and he wasn't even trying super hard, so I figured with a little motivation and help on things he didn't understand great he could become student of the month easy. I also enjoy Luke as a student, he never messes around and he tries to do his best," Lauer said.

Lauer seemed pretty confident in Luke the whole time he was running, but he did have some doubt.

"When I first started helping Luke I thought he has a pretty good chance of becoming student of the month. I wasn't positive because it was to early in the month tho tell and I did not know who else was running. At the end of the month I still couldn't tell if he was going to make it for sure, but I knew he was definitely one of the top students in the running because he hit all the expectations and he's is a great student. I also saw that Luke was progressing greatly through all the time he was working," Lauer said.

Luke got great help from not only his teacher, but his best friend, Jacob.

"Luke told me he was running for student of the month about a week after sign up. He told me after a week because he wanted to make sure he was definitely going to run for student of the month. I think I helped Luke become student of the month in some way. On homework that he didn't understand I would help him figure it out, most of the time it was the other way around though. I also supported Luke while he was running for student of the month," Jacob said.

Becoming student of the month is a great accomplishment and the school community is always proud of the students that achieve this. Although Luke was proud of himself for putting in so much work he did not becoming to full of himself when he accomplished becoming student of the month.

"No I would not like to be student of the month again because I would like to give others the good opportunity that I have gotten," Luke said.

Additional Student of the Month Interview

Mr. Lauer
1.How did you help Luke achieve his goal in becoming student of the month?
2.Why did you decide to help him?
3.At the beginning did you think he would become student of the month?
4.At the end did you think he would become student of the month?
5.Do you think Luke deserved to become student of the month? Why?
6.What were your first thoughts when you learned Luke became student of the month?
7.If you could say anything to Luke what would you say?
8.What do you teach and how did you help Luke?

1.I helped Luke achieve his goal in becoming student of the month by helping him with all his work that he was confused on. I tried to make him stay motivated and tried to help him enjoy learning.
2.I decided to help Luke because I noticed he made pretty good grades and he wasn't even trying super hard, so i figured with a little motivation and help on things he didn't understand great he could become student of the month easy. I also enjoy Luke as a student, he never messes around and he tries to do his best.
3.When I first started helping Luke I thought he had a pretty good chance of becoming student of the month. I wasn't positive because it was to early in month to tell and I did not know who else was running.
4.At the end of the month I still couldn't tell if he was going to make it for sure, but I knew he was definitely one of the top students in the running because he hit all the expectations and he is a great student. 
5.I think that Luke deserved to become student of the month. I believe this because I could see how much effort he was putting into this. Luke is a great student and he deserve to be recognized for all the great things he is going.
6.When I first learned Luke became student of the month I was happy. I was happy for him because I knew he deserved it and all the hard work he put into this paid off.
7.If I could say anything to Luke I would tell him that he is a great kid. He's not just a great student, but he is a great kid and if he keeps working like how he did to achieve this he could achieve almost anything he puts his mind too. 
8.I teach geography and I helped Luke by letting him come to my school during lunch or after and before school so I could give the help he needs not just in my class, but I helped him in some subjects that I knew about.

Lukes best friend,
1.Did Luke tell you that he was running for student of the month?
2. What did you feel when you learned he was running for student of the month?
3. Did you help Luke in anyway to become student of the month?
4.Did you notice anything different about Luke when he was preparing for student of the month? Like was a he gone more?
5.Did you have any other friends who were running for student of the month?

1.Luke did tell me he was running for student of the month about one week after he signed up. He told me after a week because he wanted to make sure he was definitely going to run for student of the month.
2.When Luke became student of the month I was happy for him. I think that he deserved this because he worked really hard, but there was that part of me that was jealous because it looks good on your college application and stuff. If I really wanted to become student of the month though I would have a chance another month, so I was mostly happy for him.
3.I think I helped Luke become student of the month is some way. On homework that he didn't understand I would help him figure it out, most of the time it was the other way around though. I also supported Luke while he was running for student of the month.
4.When Luke was preparing for student of the month I noticed that he wasn't around as much and he was always doing homework or studying. 
5.I did not have any other friends that were running for student of the month. I was happy about that though because then I would've felt bad for one of the friends and it would of put me in an awkward position.

Inverted Pyramid

Friday, September 25, 2015

Stories of the Century

1.In this event where there was the march for civil rights, many black people who were getting treated wrongly at the time marched to the capitol to try and win there civil rights.This is were all the supporters of black people getting their civil rights marched down the capitol so they would be heard and possibly win their civil rights. During this time Martin Luther King Jr. age his famous speech "I Have a Dream".
I believe this is one of the most important and interesting events because there were so many black people living in the United States that were told they finally have freedom, yet no one treated them like they had freedom. They had been slaves for many years and they deserved to be treated like regular people, but even though that they had finally bee given freedom legally no one followed the law about treating them not like they were still slaves. Finally, they all got so sick of being treated poorly thousands of supporters of black civil rights marched on the capitol so they could finally have true freedom and their civil rights.

2.In this event President John F. Kennedy was driving in a car in Dallas Texas when a sniper shot a rifle at him from up on a building and killed him. President Kennedy was making speeches in Fort Worth and then made him way to Dallas where he was driving in him car. Then, the assassin struck and shot President Kennedy, that one shot killed him.
I believe this event is interesting and important because it was a very random thing that happened very quickly. President Kennedy was just driving in his car when all the sudden he was shot, he had only been president for a few days and had not made any drastic decisions that had upset a lot of people. The Kennedy family also has a very unlucky reputation in the public eye. It is very strange that President Kennedy was driving in his car and he happened to get shot in the head.

3. This is an event where a man named Jackie Robinson was asked to play  on the Brooklyn Dodgers baseball team. Robinson was the first black man to play for a white baseball team. This was a major event that caused Robison to go through many struggles, but it also caused many people to be inspired by him.
I believe this is an important and interesting event because Jackie Robinson was the first black man to play on a white major leagues baseball team. There were many white people who were rude and thought just because Jackie was black that he couldn't play baseball, yet he was one of the best players. He was a inspiration to many people throughout the Untied States. Jackie proved that just because you are a different race it doesn't mean you can't do what other people can. This was also a big civil rights movement.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Current Event Quiz

1.How many days and what cities will the Pope visit here in the United States? Page A1 "Pope greeted by Obama..."

The Pope will be visiting the United States for 6 days and he will be visiting Maryland, New York, Washington D.C., and Philadelphia.

2. What are the terms of the occupancy limits the Austin city council just approved? Page B3 "Party's over..."

The terms of the occupancy limits are that an assembly of more than 6 people outside is not allowed for short-term rentals.

3. What did Volkswagen alter in its cars that has been discovered and will cost them billions of dollars to fix? Page B7 "'I am endlessly sorry..."

 Software that evades emission controls was altered by Volkswagen and it will cost them billions of dollars.

4. Who did the Dallas Cowboys sign as a back-up quarterback in the wake of Tony Romo's shoulder injury? Page C1 "NFL Cowboys"

The Dallas Cowboys signed Matt Cassel as their back-up quarterback.

5. What are the two central Texas companies who have said that they might not expand their business if tough new emission rules are passed? Page A1 "Clean air rules may be costly.."

Samsung and Central Texas

Read the story on Page A1 - Students add their voice to finance case

I believe that the students of these schools are correct about the government not spending enough money on schools. The students efforts mean a lot, they are taking the time to fight for what they believe they need to succeed and they are correct. The finance system is not worrying about school right and now and education is the most important thing they should be thinking about because it has become such a bid deal to have a good education.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Student of the Month Interview

1.How does it feel to be student of the month?
2.Who made the decision to make you student of the month?
3.How did you become student of the month?
4.Do you feel all the hard work you put in paid off now that you have become student of the month?
5.Are there any special privaliges that come with being student of the month? If so what are they?
6.Do you think you deserved to be student of the month? Why?
7.Did you have any motives to try and become student of the month?
8.Did you have any competitors? If so describe what that felt like.
9.Did any of your teachers help you to become student of the month?
10.Did you think you would become student of the month?
11.What were your first thoughts and feelings when you became student of the month?
12.Did your peers congratulate you when you became students of the month?
13.Are you enjoying being student of the month?
14.What are pros of being student of the month? Why?
15.What are cons of being student of the month? Why?
16.Is being student of the month a big deal?
17.Is there a student of the month every month or are months skipped?
18.Have you ever been student of the month before? If so is being student of the month as exciting or is it better this time than before? Why? If not would you like to be student of the month again? 
19.What is the worst part of being student of the month so far?
20.Was their anyone who helped you with becoming student of the month? If so why do you think they choose to help you? If you feel its appropriate to share who helped you and how did they help you?

1.The students' teachers
2.The people that helped the student succeed if there are any
3.Possibly the principal of the school
4.The students friends and/or family

1.It feels great to be student of the month.
2. My teachers and peers made the decision. 
3. I became student of the month because I got involved in band and I got good grades.
4.Yes, I do feel all my hard worked paid off now that I am student of the month because I worked hard by going to school extra than I had too.
5. Yes, there are special privileges like free ice cream on Thursdays.
6.Yes, I think I deserved student of the month because I worked hard and I didn't give up.
7. Yes, I did have motives to become student of the month because it seemed interesting at the time.
8.Yes, I did have competitors and it felt scary, because I thought I was going to lose and I wasn't going to be able to become student of the month.
9. Yes, I did have teachers help me become student of the month. Mr. Lauer helped me because he motivated me.
10. Yes, I did think I would become student of the month because I worked hard.
11. My first thoughts and feelings when I learned I became student of the month were full of happiness because my hard work paid off.
12. My peers did not congratulate me because they we're jealous that I became student of the month and they didn't.
13. yes, I am enjoying being student of the month because it makes my other friends jealous.
14. Pros of being student of the month is that it look good on a college application.
15. Cons of being student of the month are that your friends are mad at you for being better than them.
16. No, it's not a big deal because that sounds ambitious.
17. There is a student of the month every month. If it was every two months it would be called the student of every two months.
18. No and no I would not like to be student of the month again because I would like to give others the good opportunity that I have gotten to have.
19. The worst part of being student of the month so far was the awards ceremony. This was hard because I had to give a speech. I don't like speeches because speeches require me to talk.
20. Yes, there were many people who helped me. They decided to help me because they knew I had the spirit to become student of the month. I don't feel its appropriate to share.

*Other 2 sources I need to interview would be Mr. Lauer and Luke's best friend.

School Uniforms

-Students in the district that the policy is being made
-The school board
-The teachers in the district
-Students' parents

-Why was the policy of having school uniforms made?
-Do you enjoy having to wear uniforms? If so why?
-When was the district policy enforced?
-Do you think its fair that your district has to wear school uniforms and the other districts don't?
-What are some pros to having school uniforms?
-What are some cons to having school uniforms?
-Do you think having school uniforms will affect your learning?
-Why was the district policy enforced?
-Do you think the district should be able to make a public school have uniforms?
-Should the district have the power to make a policy of wearing school uniforms?
-What affects can a school uniform have on you personally?
-Do you think having a school uniform can affect not just how you the students dress, but their attitude too? If so why?
-What were your feelings when you first found out about the uniform policy?
-Who came up with the idea that the district needed to have a uniform policy
-What if some families can't afford the uniforms?
-How do you think the district will manage to get everyone to wear a uniform if the families of the students will not allow it?
-Who is included in your district? (What schools?)
-What is having school uniforms like?
-Does having a school uniform make it easier for you?
-What if some students still manage to make the uniform out of the original dress code?