Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Current Event quiz 6.3

1. What has been Whole Foods' response to an issue with one of their cakes? Page A1 "Whole Foods cake..."
Whole foods is now pleased that the pastor has dropped his lawsuit and they ended their countersuit. After the pastor fired his lawsuit Whole Foods fired back a countersuit of $100,000.
2. What happened to the baby bison? Page A6 "Baby bison..." Make sure to answer WHY???
The baby bison died because some visitors at yellowstone thought it looked cold, so they took the baby, put it in their car, and took it to the ranger station causing the bison's mom and heard to reject it. The baby bison then had to be euthanized.

3. What is a geofilter? Page B2 "Hendrickson student creates...."
Geofilters are designs or icons that can be added to photos or videos taken in the app snapchat to show the location you are at.

4. Why is it significant that Warren Buffett bought stocks of Apple? Page B6 "Berkshire makes unusual...."
Warren Buffett usually stays away from technology companies becasue it is hard to tell which ones will prevail long term.

5. What are the top-5 grossing movies this week? Page D2 "Money Monsters...."
The top five grossing movies of this week are Captain  America: Civil War, The Jungle Book, Money Monster, The darkness, and Mothers day. 

Short Answer:
I would prefer to go to Disneyland because that place is where my childhood took place practically. I would visit Disneyland almost every month with my dad before I had to go to school because his family lived in California, and we would visit them all the time. Disneyland is also, generally, a very happy place and I love it there. The competition between is heating up because so many people have decided to got to Harry Potter World because it is new and exciting, and Harry Potter is amazing, the books were a hit, and Disneyland is old and all the people have already been there. My favorite disney character is Rapunzel because she has such a kind, loving, and bubbly personality. She is a good person and the movie Tangled is hilarious, but it also includes a very meaning full message. I also really like Rey from the new Star Wars though. If I was in Harry Potter I would probably be in the Hufflepuff, even though I would want to be in Gryffindor. I would be in Hufflepuff because of my personality. I am nice and kinda brave, but I think my qualities would fit in Hufflepuff rather than Gryffindor. 

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