Monday, May 9, 2016

Current Event #6.2

1. What was the percentage of voters who rejected Proposition 1 regarding ride sharing in Austin? Page A1 "Prop 1 defeat sparks..."
Nearly 56% of voters rejected Proposition 1

2. What provision of the campus carry gun laws is UT-Austin planning to implement that other schools do not plan to do? Page A1 "UT gun rules likely...." HINT: the answer is on this page, not on the jump
The provision is that a licesnce holder carrying a semi-automatic handgun on campus can not have a chambered round of ammunition. 
3. Why do experts say "El Chapo's" new prison a bad place to hold him? Page A8 "El Chapo's new prison..."
Experts say it is a bad place to hold him because it is in territory that he knows and he has people in that territory that are in his empire that could help him to escape. The experts also say the jail El Chapo is being moved to is less secure.

4. What is Petcube? page B5 "It's like Skype for Fido"
Petcube is like FaceTime or Skype. Basically you can talk and play with your pets on the app. On of the main differences is that your pet doesn't have to pick up the phone. You can just check up on your pet by using the Petcube app and you can play with them using a laser pointer.

5. Who won the Kentucky Derby yesterday? Page C1 "Nyquist could face...."
Nyquist won the Kentucky Derby yesterday.

Short Answer:
I have never taken Uber of Lyft, but I think it is definitely something I will use in the future if it is still continuing. The only reason I have not taken Uber or Lyft is because my mom will not let me go with either of those companies on my own, and my family has not needed to get a ride from a taxi, Uber, Lyft, etc. I think ride sharing is a good thing. I also think it is a good thing for the community of Austin because there are always events going on a people visiting and it is hard to get a ride somewhere or get a taxi because there are so many other people trying to do the same things. The difference between ride sharing companies and taxi cabs is that ride sharing is more casual and takes advantage of technology advances today. Uber and Lyft have apps now that make it easier for people to get a ride faster. For taxis you have to call and the cars might not be as nice or reliable. I think ride sharing companies should be held to the same safety standards because safety of the people should be the number one priority. I also think that they should allow ride sharing companies even though there is a small risk to it. 

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