Thursday, April 21, 2016

Current Event #6.1

1.Who is replacing Andrew Jackson on the face of the $20 bill? Page A1 "Jackson out..."
Harriet Tubman is replacing Andrew Jackson

2. Whys is a Texas teachers union suing the head of the state education agency? Page B1 "Teacher union sues..."
There is a new evaluation system that ties teachers scores to the students performance on standardized testing. The teachers are suing because their jobs are depending on how students do on one test. 

3. How many people have been killed in weather related accidents in Houston since the big floods of this week? Page B1 "Flood-hit Houston..."
Eight were killed.

4. What is the main focus or subject matter of an experiment that Westlake students were approved to send into space this week? Page B2 "Westlake students' winning..."
The subject matter of the experiment is algae. 

5. What are 4 of the 6 ways to change the look of your room according to the article on page SA2 "Make effective decor...."

4 out of the 6 ways to change the look of your room are, 1. Paint 2. Lighting 3. Rugs and 4. Layout.

Short Answer: 
After hearing this story my reaction was very sad because I feel bad for all of those people who were effected by the lead poisoning in the water. I was also angry at all those people who were denying the lead poisoning because that is a serious cause that effect many peoples lives, and not temporarily, forever. My overall reaction was disappointment towards those people who denied that there was lead poisoning in the water when they knew it was there and they knew what it would do to people. I did know about the issue before reading the story. My geography teacher talked to us about this issue when we were in our government unit. The people that knew they were potentially poisoning the people of Flint should be put in jail for around 10 years in my opinion. They should also have a very high bail, and they should have to pay a high fine for what they did. The people that knew about the issue should be punished like what I said above, but other government officials that did not know about the lead poisoning should not be punished as bad. They to should be punished to some degree to though because it is also their fault for slacking in their job. 

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