Friday, April 29, 2016

Captain Phillips movie review/ Take a dive into Captain Phillips

Take a dive into Captain Phillips

The movie Captain Phillips is a suspenseful story that is based on a real life event. It involves American sailors sailing a boat past the horn of Africa, and pirates that are trying to take over the ship. The main characters of the movie are Captain Phillips, Shane Murphy, Najee, Elmi, the SEAL commander and Muse. Tom Hanks does a fabulous job of playing Captain Phillips. He is in character the whole time, and in my opinion he even looks like the real Captain Phillips. The actor Barkhad Abdi also did a miraculous job playing Muse. The movie was very intense and contained a lot of fast paced scenes, so all the actors did a great job with keeping the intensity up. Michael Chernus played the role of Shane Murphy, Faysal Ahmed played the role of Najee, Mahat M. Ali played the role of Elmi, and Max Martini played the role of the SEAL commander.

The plot of the story was put together really well. The movie starts with Captain Phillips going to his ship, so no time is wasted. After examining the ship they sailors set off on their voyage. Enough time is put into the introduction so you get background information, but the movie speed up very quickly. The sailors first spot the pirates about 15 or 20 minutes into the movie. There are a few slow parts through out the movie, but in the end it is all worth it. The Captain Phillips and his men on the ship Maersk Alabama quickly get into their positions to fight off the pirates. After chasing for a while the pirates' engine blows out, but they are quick to return, and succeed. The crew on the Maersk Alabama devise a plan to try scare the pirates away. It works well on all the pirates, except one, Elmi. The crew then gets them to leave, but they steal Captain Phillips, so then the navy is instructed about the incident. They are then put in charge to get Captain Phillips back home alive. The problem is the pirates have sailed to dangerous territory for the navy, if they just kill them then America would be in danger of the Somalians trying to get revenge.

The director of the movie puts the scenes together in a montage, which creates a very suspenseful mood. This is because the angles of the shots are moving during a scene so you cannot see everything creating suspense. I thought this tactic was very well for the movie because it helped set the mood. This movie is definitely not for viewers who are looking for a happy romantic comedy. This movie is for the hard core action lovers who love suspense that just keeps building up. This movie overall was very good. It is not a movie to be taken lightly especially because it is a real life story. When I heard about the movie I was not excited, but I was corrected after the movie. This movie kept my adrenaline running the whole time. Throughout the entire movie I was on the edge of my seat. The movie also does an amazing job of making you forget about the reality you are in. During the scene on the lifeboat I was totally unaware of my surroundings, and it felt like I was on the boat with the pirates and Captain Phillips. What I took from the movie that was a lesson or theme to me in a way was that desperation can lead people to do really stupid things even if they don't feel comfortable  doing those stupid things.

A rating I feel appropriate for this movie is a 3.5 stars out of 5

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Movie Review homework

1. Name of the publication
Entertainment weekly
2. Name of the writer
Lisa Schwarzbaum3. Grade or score the movie review on a 1-10 scale in your opinion
44. High Points of the movie (performances, cinematography, plot, etc.)
Raqunzel escapes her castle, when the bad guys tie up flynn and come to get rapunzel, and when rapuzel sees her parents again. 5. Low points of the movie (performances, cinematography, plot, etc.)
when flynn and rapunzel are in the town, and when they  are about to get to the town. 6. Quote a paragraph from the review that you think expresses the overall opinion of the reviewer about the movie.
"Because Happily Ever After never goes out of fashion."

1. Name of the publication
Entertainment weekly
2. Name of the writer
Lisa Scharzbaum3. Grade or score the movie review on a 1-10 scale in your opinion
84. High Points of the movie (performances, cinematography, plot, etc.)
When Peter parker becomes spider-man, when peter figures out who the lizard is, when gwen is in the building, and when gwen's father is killed.5. Low points of the movie (performances, cinematography, plot, etc.)
When Peter is in the house with the scientist.6. Quote a paragraph from the review that you think expresses the overall opinion of the reviewer about the movie.
"Five minutes into The Amazing Spider-Man, I got bitten. With pleasure. "

    Monday, April 25, 2016

    Movie prep

    1. Who are the main characters you would expect to see in the movie, based on the real life events?
    The main characters in the movie are Richard Phillips and Abduwali Muse.

    2. Briefly, in 2-3 paragraphs, tell me what you expect the plot to be in the movie, based on the real life events?
    The expected plot of the movie is that Captain Phillips will leave on his journey on his boat, he will be on his ship for a while and notice that people aren't taking their jobs seriously. Then the pirates are going to see the ship and try and take over the ship, but they fail. Then the pirates will take over the ship and captain phillips will try to escape but fails then the navy saves him. 

    3. Why was this story important?
    This story is important because it is a real life event that occurred. It is history and history is something we need to learn about so we can improve things. It is important to know so others can know how to avoid this and try to make the situation better, and so we learn who the enemies are and who are friends are. 

    4. Why did the pirates try to take the ship?
    The pirates tried to take over the ship because they wanted the cargo, and they were being forced so they can make money.

    1. List the five most important actors in the film.
    The five most important actors are Tom Hanks, Catherine Keener, Barkhad Adbi, Michael Chernus, and David Warshofsky.

    2. What is the movie rated?
    It is rated PG-13

    3. Who directed the movie?
    Paul Greengrass

    4. Who was the producer?
    The executive producers are Kevin Spacey, Gregory Goodman, and Eli Bush

    5. What awards did it win?
    The movie won best motion picture of the year, best performance by an actor in a supporting role, best achievement in film editing, best achievement in sound editing, best achievement in sound mixing, and best written adapted screen play. 

    6. How much did it cost to make?
    It cost about $55 million to make.

    7. How was it received by audiences?
    Most audiences enjoyed the movie and they movie kept them on the edge of their seat. Their is a handful of the audiences that say it is not like the true story, but the majority really enjoyed the movie.

    8. What did other movie reviews think about the movie?
    Other movie reviews said the movie was smart and incredibly intense. Many reviews said it is very good and heart aching at some points, but there are a few who say it is not like the real story enough. 

    Thursday, April 21, 2016

    Final Exam Preview

    1. In the iMovie lessons I learned how to place the photos into iMovie. I learned how to add voice overs and music into my movie. In the videos I also learned what most of the buttons do and how they work.
        I also learned how to make the videos shorter or longer. The lessons taught me how to rotate the image depending on the timing. Finally I learned how to download short of.
    2. One thing I already knew how to do that was told in the lesson was that I already knew how to add photos and videos.
    3. A new thing that I learned is that I learned how I can do a voice over with my own voice.
    4. I am conceded about figuring out what my topic is going to be for the project.
    5. I am confident that once I figure out what my topic is going to be I will be able to get photos and videos soon after.
    6. Topics I am thinking about are a hiking trip, making some sort of craft, planting a tree or how to eat my favorite burger.

    Current Event #6.1

    1.Who is replacing Andrew Jackson on the face of the $20 bill? Page A1 "Jackson out..."
    Harriet Tubman is replacing Andrew Jackson

    2. Whys is a Texas teachers union suing the head of the state education agency? Page B1 "Teacher union sues..."
    There is a new evaluation system that ties teachers scores to the students performance on standardized testing. The teachers are suing because their jobs are depending on how students do on one test. 

    3. How many people have been killed in weather related accidents in Houston since the big floods of this week? Page B1 "Flood-hit Houston..."
    Eight were killed.

    4. What is the main focus or subject matter of an experiment that Westlake students were approved to send into space this week? Page B2 "Westlake students' winning..."
    The subject matter of the experiment is algae. 

    5. What are 4 of the 6 ways to change the look of your room according to the article on page SA2 "Make effective decor...."

    4 out of the 6 ways to change the look of your room are, 1. Paint 2. Lighting 3. Rugs and 4. Layout.

    Short Answer: 
    After hearing this story my reaction was very sad because I feel bad for all of those people who were effected by the lead poisoning in the water. I was also angry at all those people who were denying the lead poisoning because that is a serious cause that effect many peoples lives, and not temporarily, forever. My overall reaction was disappointment towards those people who denied that there was lead poisoning in the water when they knew it was there and they knew what it would do to people. I did know about the issue before reading the story. My geography teacher talked to us about this issue when we were in our government unit. The people that knew they were potentially poisoning the people of Flint should be put in jail for around 10 years in my opinion. They should also have a very high bail, and they should have to pay a high fine for what they did. The people that knew about the issue should be punished like what I said above, but other government officials that did not know about the lead poisoning should not be punished as bad. They to should be punished to some degree to though because it is also their fault for slacking in their job. 

    Tuesday, April 19, 2016

    Free Write #3

    The detective saw his opportunity. He grabbed the waitress’s arm and said, "Ma'am I am part of FBI, I need you to walk to the kitchen put your platter down and meet me in the upstairs floor of the building. Right on top of the stairs." The waitress flinched as the man grabbed her arm. The man was very handsome, but had a very intimidating look. The man had jet black hair, it was short and swooped to his left side. His shoulders were very broad, and under his tux you could tell he was undoubtedly muscular. Due to fear she followed the man’s orders, and put her platter down and headed upstairs. In her mind she was asking herself a million questions. She slowly walked to where the stairs started.  She grabbed onto the railing of the stairs and started to climb. The stairs were made of old wood, and they had a glassy coat over them. They spiraled up to the top floor of the old fashioned building. The railing was made of the same wood, but the columns were shaped in a 'S' curve holding up the rail. The waitress slowly stepped up the creaking steps one by one. Every step her mind brought another vile thought. As she came up to the last 12 steps she started seeing red spots on the stairs. She looked up the steps to the top and the red spots grew bigger and bigger. She knew it was blood. Frozen she stared at the blood. After what seemed like hours of staring at the blood, the waitress’ curiosity got the most of her. She slowly and cautiously walked up the rest of the stairs. The waitress had never been upstairs before, but she knew it was the restaurant owner’s house. The owner was rich, and she had always had suspicions about him. He had bodyguards with him almost constantly except when in his home. He also carried a large, pitch-black brief case, and came home with different women almost every time she saw him. When she reached the top of the stairs she heard a loud bang in the room closest to her. She peered into the room where she saw the so-called FBI agent fighting to other men. The two men were dressed in all black suits and they were not handsome like the man she met. They two looked like secret agents. The man who grabbed her threw at a punch at one of the other men and barley missed. The other man ran up behind the man she knew and kicked him in the back. He stumbled into another section in that room that looked like a kitchen. The two men followed him and threw a drawer on his head. The FBI agent stumbled again, but got up and grabbed the blender. He threw a punch with the blender in his hand at one of the men. The man was knocked right out, but the other advanced onto the FBI agent. The handsome man ran back into the living room section, and they two men started battling it out. They were throwing punched and kicks at each other. The man who seemed to be the bad one knocked down the FBI agent and started to punch him directly in the head with momentums of force. Without thinking the waitress ran into the room. The two men were facing away from her, so she crept up and punched the man right in the neck. It did not knock him out, but it sure did surprise him and he fell to the ground. The FBI agent looked up in astonishment, and quickly got up. He ran up to the other man, and knocked him out as he was trying to get up. The FBI agent and the waitress stared at each other for a moment, then the FBI agent walked up to the stone fireplace and he felt around it looking for something. He found what he was looking for, and pushed a button. The fireplace shot up revealing a secret compartment with a shiny, silver metal briefcase. The man grabbed it, closed the fireplace, and walked up to the waitress; he grabbed her arm and dragged her to another room. She stared at the man in confusion, and admiration. He stared at her in astonishment. The girl then said, “Who are you? What was going on in there, and why did you ask me to come up here?” The man looked to the ground and replied, “There is no time for details, but I’m not apart of the FBI, I work for S.H.I.E.L.D and I need you to come with me.” The man waited a second and then said, “My name is Ward, Agent Grant Ward.” The waitress again stared at the man, and for some reason she completely trusted him. She said, “I’m Adaline, Adaline Johnson.” The man looked straight into Adaline’s eyes and said, “I know”.

    Wednesday, April 13, 2016

    Lone Star Dispatch issue 5

    Front page: PALS mentor elementary students
    who- PALS students
    what-PALS students are helping out their PALees in elementary school
    when- The organization has been going on for twenty two years
    where- PALS students go to Bowie and their PALees are going to elementary schools around the area
    why-PALS are supposed to help troubled kids (PALees) start to become more confident and feel comforted. PALS are supposed to be their as a friend for their PALees.
    how-the PALS organization has been going to the elementary schools to be with their PALees to help.
    Who was quoted in the story- Amy Cox, Alejandro Garcia, and Macy Hartman
    What quote was the strongest in your opinion- "Talking to my PALees about their situations makes the things I stress over seem very insignificant, which has caused me to worry less about the small things,"Hartman said. 
    Did the lead sentence make you want to keep reading- yes
    Was the conclusion a quote or a statement- It was a quote

    Student Life: Freshman prepares for a school life across the sea
    who- Maya Leeve
    what- Maya is trying to become a foreign exchange student 
    when- as soon as she is allowed to go
    where- Maya wants to go to Spain
    why- She appreciates culture and believes it will be a great opportunity
    how- she is applying to the different programs that will hopefully allow her to become and exchange student
    Who was quoted in the story- Maya Levee, Sophie Bega, Andrew Chahda, and Jean Frazier
    What quote was the strongest in your opinion- "I believe that adjusting to life without someone like Maya around me will be a difficult task because she brings so much humor and fun into each class I share with her, "Chahda said. "She is truly a great person to be around and someone that I believe many people including myself will miss."
    Did the lead sentence make you want to keep reading-Yes
    Was the conclusion a quote or a statement- It was a quote

    News: Seniors receive nostalgia with four-year-old letters
    who- Seniors and English teachers
    what-When the seniors were freshman they wrote themselves letters and their english teachers are giving the letters back to them
    when-At the beginning of freshman year the letters are wrote and at the end of senior year the  letters are received. 
    where-in English class
    why-The English teachers want to give the kids somethings that will help release some of their stress. 
    how- The English teachers have the kids write their letters and they they store them and in four years give them back. 
    Who was quoted in the story- Shari Blevins, Kandice Cox, and Angelica Saenz
    What quote was the strongest in your opinion-  "I think the students get to see how mature they have become and I think they get to see how ready for the world they are," Blevins said. "They get o see how mature they have become and I think they also get to see how ready of the world they are from all the personal and academic growth they have achieved."
    Did the lead sentence make you want to keep reading-yes
    Was the conclusion a quote or a statement- It was a statement 

    Sports: Softball team is still undefeated
    who- Bowie softball team
    what-The Bowie softball team is undefeated 
    when- this year
    where- The Bowie team
    why-They have put tons of hard work into practices and games
    how-they have practiced a lot
    Who was quoted in the story- Alex McLennan, Kaley Farnish, and, Liz Wessel
    What quote was the strongest in your opinion- "I stay focused on my goal, to win every game when I sep up on the mound," McLennan said. "The last district win gaining us theta championship and hopefully stat title is what pushes me everyday and fuels me to work hard every time I'm at bat or every pitch I throw."
    Did the lead sentence make you want to keep reading- yes
    Was the conclusion a quote or a statement- It was a quote

    Entertainment: Band director set to move to a new school at year's end
    who- band director 
    what-Band director Kim Shuttlesworth is leaving Bowie
    when-at the end of the year
    where-she is going to a new school on the outskirts of north Austin
    why-she wants to go to another program
    how-she is leaving Bowie
    Who was quoted in the story- Kim Shuttlesworth, Gianna Nuckols, Lauren Anderson, Danny Cruz, 
    What quote was the strongest in your opinion- "When I was a sophomore my mom was diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer and I was able to talk to Ms. Shuttlesworth about my situation and she was ably to reassure me that she was there for me not only as a mentor, but a slo as a friend," Cruz said.
    Did the lead sentence make you want to keep reading-yes
    Was the conclusion a quote or a statement- It was a quote

    Commentary: It the AP world history test worth it?
    who- students who take AP world history
    what- Students are being allowed the opportunity to take AP tests for less money now and it helps you in college
    when- anytime during a certain week I believe
    where- at Bowie high school 
    why- so students can get ahead in college
    how- the students are allowed to take the AP world history test
    Who was quoted in the story?
    What quote was the strongest in your opinion- there were no quotes
    Did the lead sentence make you want to keep reading- not really
    Was the conclusion a quote or a statement- conclusion

    In-Depth: Seeing Stars
    who- Kamryn Bryce is talking to everyone who doesn't vote 
    what- Kamryn thinks that everyone should be voting because it is an important part of our lives that will impact us greatly and they recent youth have the lowest rated voting score since 2012
    when- now and since 2012
    where- In the United States of America
    why- Youth are intimidated by voting and it is hard for them to make time
    how- The youth is not voting because of intimidation and lack of good candidates 
    Who was quoted in the story-Kamryn Bryce because it was her opinion
    What quote was the strongest in your opinion- no direct quotes
    Did the lead sentence make you want to keep reading- yes
    Was the conclusion a quote or a statement- a statement from Kamryn Bryce 

    1. my favorite photo was the one on the back with the girl singing 
    1a. it is my favorite because it capture emotion and it is a nice vertical photo
    1b. placement, and rule of thirds in a way
    2. my least favorite photo is the one of the band director
    2a. it is my least favorite because it is not a very flattering picture and it looks grainy
    3. I would like to take pictures for the speed skating around the world story 
    4. I would rate the photography a 7 because all the picture were relevant and mostly good. There were only some lighting and placement issues that could be worked on. 


    Tuesday, April 5, 2016

    Current Event 5.3

    1. How are AISD and the City of Austin working together to keep more money in the Austin community to use for schools? Be specific - Page A1 "City,Austin schools look for...."

    The City of Austin has come up with a plan that nex year they could have a limited tax swap. This means that certain school services could be funded by the city instead of the school paying that money to the district. 

    2. How many years will it take California and NY to raise the minimum wage to $15? Page A4 "Calif., NY to phase in $15...."

    The minimum wage will raise to $15 by 2022, so 6 years. 

    3. What school won the NCAA Men's basketball tournament last night and what was the final score? Page SE2 "Wildcats have finishing touch"

    Villanova won the basketball tournament last night by three points. The final score was 77-74. 

    4. Which of the 10 Amazing Destinations would you want to visit and why? Page SA1 "See the World" NOTE: This story jumps....

    I would want to go to Canada because my aunt is from Canada, and she loves it there. She has told me many stories about Canada and I would like to actually put a picture to the place where all the stories took place. I would also like to visit Canada because I've heard they have really good food. 

    5. Do you like idea of Instagram expanding videos from 15 second to 1 minute? Why or Why not? Page D1 "Instagram videos...."

    I do not like the idea of Instagram expanding their videos to 1 minute from 15 seconds. I do not like this idea because 1 minute is to long. If they changed it to 30 seconds or around that I would not mind. I feel like 1 minute is too long though. Instagram is where you supposed to view clips of people's life, and 1 minute of a video is a drag to watch in my opinion. 

    Short Answer:
    The major candidates left in the presidential election are Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. I do not support a specific presidential candidate. I do not really like any of them that much. I do think the United States has become more divided in this process. I believe that Donald Trump is bringing out people with very big opinion. These people are holding on to their opinions very tightly and they get very mad and are against anyone who does not agree with them. What concerns me the most about this election is that the new president will try to change the United States governments and the citizens rights a lot, but I am afraid they will change it to something worse. All of the candidates do not really stand for what any of our founding fathers stand for and I am nervous they will lead the United States into war and division between states. The big  topics that are pushing the discussion are, for Donald Trump, he wants to build a wall across the Mexican border, expand treatments for people with mental health problems and wants to reform taxes into four brackets. Hillary Clinton wants to oppose the Trans-Pacific partnership free trade agreement, oppose Keystone XL pipeline, and wants to raise taxes on capital gains held for one to six years. The most important topic for me is taxes. I am nervous taxes will be raised and more people will start having to move into smaller homes without the necessities they need and or become homeless. 

    Friday, April 1, 2016

    Sport Current Event

    1. Family Comes First

    2. Family Comes First

    3. The main point of my article is that Stacy Zamzow has just moved from A&M to the University of Texas on a track scholar ship. Stacy's family are huge A&M fans, but Stacy was just not feeling fulfilled by A&M, so she switched to UT and she is doing amazing at track, she rewrote the longhorns record book.

    4. Track jargon- fartlek- a run where you speed up and slow down when a whistle is blown or at a certain point. Pyramid- when you run and work up to a long distance then work down back to a short distance like 200- 400-600-800-600-400-200. Strides- short controlled burst of sprinting.

    5. N/A

    6. The article I chose is a feature story because it is an in-depth story about the Zamzow family and how Stacy switched from A&M to the University of Texas while her parents are full on Aggies. In the story you learn about Stacy and reasons why she changed schools. You learn about how Stacy's parents, although huge aggie fans, are proud of her, and they love what the University of Texas is doing for her.

    7. My story explains how Stacy won the national championship for the 1600 relay at A&M, and at UT she helped the track team to rewrite there record book by 5,829 points. The story goes over season records because the story talked about the points and national championship.

    Sports Exploration Activity

    1. College Football
    2. Texas Longhorns
    3. There most recent rankings for their team is on Sept. 5 they lost to Notre Dame 38-3. On Sept. 12 they won 42-28 against Rice. On Sept. 19 they lost against Cal 45-44. On Sept. 26 they lost against Oklahoma State 30-27. On Oct. 3 they lost against TCU 50-7. On Oct. 10 they won 24-17 against OU. On Oct. 24 they won 23-9 against Kansas state. On Oct. 31 they lost against Iowa state 24-0. On Nov. 7 they won against Kansas 59-20. On Nov. 14 they lost to West Virginia 38-20. On Nov. 26 they lost to Texas Tech 48-45. On Dec. 5 they won against Baylor 23-17.
    3b. The top 5 teams of college football 2015 was Alabama coming in first, Clemson coming in second, Stanford coming in third, Ohio state coming in fourth, and Oklahoma coming in fifth.
    4. They Longhorns and a pretty tough year losing 7 games and only winning 5. They team did not make it to the playoffs. Last year Ohio state won the national championship.
    5. Three important rules in college football is that 1. you cannot hit someone from the back 2. an offensive lineman cannot use his hands while blocking and 3. you cannot grab the front of the player's helmet during a tackle.
    6. Three jargon words in college football is 1. lateral, that mean someone has through the ball backward or the opposite way they are supposed to throw it. 2. Sack, that means the defense was able to tackle the quarterback behind the line of scrimmage during a passing play. 3. Snap, this means that a player, usually the quarterback, center hands off the football between his legs to a player standing behind him.
    7. A cliche sentence used in college football is "Leave it on the field". This sentence is really saying give it all you've got while playing during the game.
    8.Marcus Allen. Marcus Allen was born in San Diego, California. He attended the University of Southern California where he played on their football team. Allen was then drafted into the NFL by the Los Angeles Raiders. He then played for the Kansas City Chiefs. Allen won the Heisman trophy, NFL rookie of the year, the 18th super bowl MVP, NFL MVP and offensive player of the year. He set a record of 191 yards in 20 carries.