Monday, March 21, 2016

Spring Break Free Write

My spring break was amazing! It was so much fun! I went to California where I visited my Aunt, Uncle, and my 3 cousins Oliver, 2, Lucie, 5, and Jonah, 8. It was only my sister, Scarlett, and I who went.
The first day I got there, Saturday morning, I landed in San Francisco where we all went to the Exploratorium. It was amazing. It was and interactive museum that had really fascinating things that all the kids could play with. After that we drove to my Aunt Erin and Uncle Mike’s house in Concord, California. That was about and hour and fifteen minute drive home. Later that day we went to Jonah’s friend’s birthday party at a gymnastics place. Then we went to my aunt and uncles friend’s house where we played games, watched a movie, ate pizza, and saw there cats new born babies.
            The next day, Sunday, was very relaxed. We all slept in and then got ready for church. After church we all relaxed and watch Cosmos. Later that night we had family home evening and then we all just went to bed. That was the most relaxing day, but probably one of the funniest days.
            On Monday all the cousins except for Oliver went to school. My aunt, sister, Oliver, and I waited for them to get home by relaxing and jumping on their tramp. When all the kids got home we all went to a really fun park called Heather Farms. Then had little man made hills with fake grass that you could slide down while on a piece of cardboard. That was one of my favorite things we did! It was so much fun and entertaining for everyone. After that we headed to Baskin Robins and got some delicious ice cream. When all the kids went to bed my aunt gave her yoga class and my uncle and I got to join. Although extremely painful for me it was amazing and really fun to do.
            Tuesday we went to Tilden Regional Park. We went to the botanical garden, and it was so beautiful. After that we headed to a little farm in Tilden and we fed goats and sheep and petted cows. The cows were very funny and the goats were really fun to feed. After that we went to this AMAZING pizza place. They only have one kind of pizza available each day, but holy cow, that pizza was amazing! On the way home we drove through Berkley and the homes were adorable.
            Wednesday all the kids got to stay home and we all went to Muir Woods. It is such a beautiful place and was amazing to walk around. The trees are so tall. I could not see the tip when looking up at them. After we went to this delicious burger place called Super Duper and it was super duper delicious!
            On St. Patrick’s day we relaxed again, most of the day. We did go a different park and rode bikes. The thing we had the most fun with was the mud though. All the kids were playing in it and it was honestly super fun. Later that day we went to the grocery store and I helped make soup and ice cream bread. That was very fun, but my favorite thing was my forest walk.
            On Friday we went to the jelly belly factory and then we got in and out and saw Zootopia. That movie is surprisingly really scary for kids.
            Saturday was when we went to hang out in San Francisco! It was amazing. The weather was awesome and we went down Lumbard street, visited this old place that had video game from the 1900’s. For lunch we got sour dough bread with nutella and Ghiredelli chocolate (super healthy, I know) at Ghiredelli square. After we drove to Land’s end and went hiking. The view of the Golden Gate bridge and the ocean was so beautiful. That was one of my favorite days. On my hike I got to climb this tree and that was really fun. Later that day we went to Backer beach. It was to cold to swim but we put our feet in and it was really fun to play in the sand. That night my uncle bought sushi for my aunt and I and it was so delicious!

            That was pretty much all the main points of my spring break and it was amazing! The rating I would give it would be a 10 out of 10. It was so fantastic!My spring break was amazing! It was so much fun! I went to California where I visited my Aunt, Uncle, and my 3 cousins Oliver, 2, Lucie, 5, and Jonah, 8. It was only my sister, Scarlett, and I who went.

The first day I got there, Saturday morning, I landed in San Francisco where we all went to the Exploratorium. It was amazing. It was and interactive museum that had really fascinating things that all the kids could play with. After that we drove to my Aunt Erin and Uncle Mike’s house in Concord, California. That was about and hour and fifteen minute drive home. Later that day we went to Jonah’s friend’s birthday party at a gymnastics place. Then we went to my aunt and uncles friend’s house where we played games, watched a movie, ate pizza, and saw there cats new born babies.
            The next day, Sunday, was very relaxed. We all slept in and then got ready for church. After church we all relaxed and watch Cosmos. Later that night we had family home evening and then we all just went to bed. That was the most relaxing day, but probably one of the funniest days.
            On Monday all the cousins except for Oliver went to school. My aunt, sister, Oliver, and I waited for them to get home by relaxing and jumping on their tramp. When all the kids got home we all went to a really fun park called Heather Farms. Then had little man made hills with fake grass that you could slide down while on a piece of cardboard. That was one of my favorite things we did! It was so much fun and entertaining for everyone. After that we headed to Baskin Robins and got some delicious ice cream. When all the kids went to bed my aunt gave her yoga class and my uncle and I got to join. Although extremely painful for me it was amazing and really fun to do.
            Tuesday we went to Tilden Regional Park. We went to the botanical garden, and it was so beautiful. After that we headed to a little farm in Tilden and we fed goats and sheep and petted cows. The cows were very funny and the goats were really fun to feed. After that we went to this AMAZING pizza place. They only have one kind of pizza available each day, but holy cow, that pizza was amazing! On the way home we drove through Berkley and the homes were adorable.
            Wednesday all the kids got to stay home and we all went to Muir Woods. It is such a beautiful place and was amazing to walk around. The trees are so tall. I could not see the tip when looking up at them. After we went to this delicious burger place called Super Duper and it was super duper delicious!
            On St. Patrick’s day we relaxed again, most of the day. We did go a different park and rode bikes. The thing we had the most fun with was the mud though. All the kids were playing in it and it was honestly super fun. Later that day we went to the grocery store and I helped make soup and ice cream bread. That was very fun, but my favorite thing was my forest walk.
            On Friday we went to the jelly belly factory and then we got in and out and saw Zootopia. That movie is surprisingly really scary for kids.

            Saturday was when we went to hang out in San Francisco! It was amazing. The weather was awesome and we went down Lumbard street, visited this old place that had video game from the 1900’s. For lunch we got sour dough bread with nutella and Ghiredelli chocolate (super healthy, I know) at Ghiredelli square. After we drove to Land’s end and went hiking. The view of the Golden Gate bridge and the ocean was so beautiful. That was one of my favorite days. On my hike I got to climb this tree and that was really fun. Later that day we went to Backer beach. It was to cold to swim but we put our feet in and it was really fun to play in the sand. That night my uncle bought sushi for my aunt and I and it was so delicious!
            That was pretty much all the main points of my spring break and it was amazing! The rating I
would give it would be a 10 out of 10. It was so fantastic!

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Magazine Peer Edit

Claire's magazine cover

1.  The magazine names are Four Seasons and Exposed and Claire Meyer made them.
2. I really liked the pictured that was used for the Exposed magazine. I also really liked how she placed everything on the pictures. 
3. Claire could have made the colors of the text more cohesive with each other and the picture. 
4. I picked this cover because it was a good picture that is different than some other magazine covers. 
5. Yes, yes and yes.
6. I would probably pick up the magazine. I mean it is not my favorite magazine I have ever seen, but I really like it. 
7. Yes I can tell because I know who Claire is i might not be able to if i didn't know her.

Cianna's magazine cover

1. The magazine names are The Morning Grind and Exploration Weekly and Cianna Chairez created these magazines.
2. I really liked both of the pictures that were used to create the magazines. The are really good pictures that are eye catching with a font that goes really well with the picture and the headline of the magazine.
3. The only thing I would say that could be fixed would be that you can read the date really well but that is all.
4. I picked these covers because they are really well done! The pictures are really well and I really like the whole cover. Everything just goes together really well.
5. Yes, yes and yes.
6. I would pick up this magazine in a store because it is really good
7.Yes I can tell which is a portrait and what is a self portrait.

Emily's magazine cover

1. The magazine names are Iridescence, and explorer and Emily Merritt created these magazine covers.
2. I really like the magazine covers used because they are good pictures. I really like your iridescence one because it has great colors and very well corresponding text.
3. The only I would say to fix would be that I don't really like the color of yellow used for the headline Explorer.
4. I picked these covers because they are eye catching and have a calming vibe to them. Iridescence is really really good!
5. Yes, yes and yes.
6. I would pick these magazines in a store because they look like they were very well thought through and they look interesting and well done.
7. Yes I can tell which is a portrait and which is a self portrait.

Newspaper design

Friday, March 4, 2016

Terms and elements



Verve Vol XV Iss 2 Nov 2014




Headlines: The line at the top of the page, containing the title, pagination, etc. The largest heading on the front page, usually at the top. The heading in a newspaper for any written material.
Subheadlines: A title or heading of a subdivision, as in a chapter, essay, or newspaper article.
Lines: an indication of demarcation; boundary; limit
Boxes: ruled borders around a story or art.
Photos: a photograph; a picture made using a camera;
Teaser:an eye catching graphic elements, on page one or section fronts, that promotes and item inside; also called a promo
Flag:the name of a newspaper as its dispelled on page one; sold called a nameplate
Folios:type at the top of an is die page giving the newspaper's name, date and page number
Captions: lines or block type providing descriptive information about a photo: used interchangeably with cutline
Stories: an account of events in a newspaper report or news program 
Bylines:the reporters name, usually at the beginning of a story
Jumps: to continue a story on another page; text that's been continued on another page is called the jump 
Story dividers: a partition between tow areas of dividing one area into two
Screens: a pattern of tiny dots used to create gray areas; to screen a photo is to turn it into a halftone
Infographics: newsroom slang for informational graphic; any map, chart or diagram used or analyze an even, object or place
Masthead/staff box: the title of a newspaper or magazine a the head of the front or editorial page; a section and or box of a newspaper showing who is on the staff

Other high school newspapers

1. My favorite newspaper front page was Northwest passage. This was my favorite front page because they picture, design and font was really well put together and it looked like it was thought about. It just really grabbed my eye.
2. The paper that immediately caught my eye was the Odyssey newspaper. This picture caught my eye because they picture was big and bold. The picture had good lighting and contrast and it was simple.
3. My favorite headline from by favorite newspaper was 'The Homework Headache' story. It was there main story and it made me interested because I have something in common with it. I always get headaches and I always have a lot of homework so it made me interested it what the whole story was going to talk about.
4. There are no stories on the front page, but there are four headlines for stories on the front page.
5.All the newspaper have a picture and a headline that is bigger than the normal text. All the newspaper have some words on them and most have headlines of other stories and the main story. They all have colors and fonts that are not normal ones.
6. Things that vary are that some newspapers have the whole cover a big picture with no words and if they don have words there is only the headline and maybe a slogan, all the pictures are different, and what they stories are about are different because they all relate to the school they go to. All the fonts and colors are different, and the designs are very different for each newspaper.
7. The high school newspaper are different than the world newspapers because the school pictures had more newspapers with a front cover of just a picture and barley any words, while the world newspapers had a different layout from the high school newspaper and they all had a story and/or the starting of a story on the front page.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Front pages of the world

1. My favorite newspaper front page is the Hamodia newspaper in Brooklyn New York front page. This is my favorite newspaper front page because it is eye catching, has colors that correlate, and it had a nice font choice that draws your attention.
2.My favorite headline of the newspaper is "Ryan on Trumps threat: 'I just laughed'", this is my favorite headline int he newspaper because it seems like it would be a good read. IT is relating to what is going on in the world and again seems interesting to read about. 
3.There are two stories that are continued on different pages. 
4. All the newspapers have a picture on the cover, a headline that is big, a slogan, most have a side column, a main story, most stick to the same few fonts and colors, and they all have the headlines of the other stories on the inside pages. 
5. Things that vary on the front of all the newspapers are that most newspaper have a different type of font (or a few different fonts), different colors, most have different headline that go along with what is happening int he area it is published, all have original headlines, most have different designs although they all contain similar things it is all set up differently. 

Magazine Covers

Outside of school prompt shoot. Twisted fairytales

Please DO submit

Current Event Quiz 5.1

1. List the top 2 candidates in the Texas primaries for each political party and tell me the percentage of voters who selected them. Page A1, jumps to page A11 

Hilary Clinton at 68% and Bernie Sandars at 31%

2. How many students will benefit from a $1 million donation by Gregg Lowe and his wife? Page B1 "Couple donates $1M..."

There will be 600 new students that benefit from the $1 million donation.

3. What will Savara Pharmaceuticals do with its recently acquired $20 million? Page B7 "Austin's Savara raises $20M"

They are going to launch their new clinical trials of its inhalable drug called AeroVanc.

4. Which of the 4 streaming titles would you be interested in watching? page D2 "Austin filmmaker getting..."

I would be interested in watching "Before We Go"

5. Who were the two teams that beat the UT mens and women's basketball teams yesterday emphatically sending the message that neither team is ready for the post-season and what was the score in each game? Page C1 (Hint: the boys played one team and the girls played another, they are not the same school)

The girls basketball team was beat by Baylor with a score of 74-48. The boys basketball team was beat by the Kansas Jayhawks with a score of 67-37.

Short answer:
I do not think apple should be forced into making a back door into people's iPhones so they can get people's information. That is just not right. Nobody would feel safe. It is exactly like if someone was in your home all the time just watching and listening to what you are doing. If people don't agree with someone watching you in your house it is not okay to have someone looking at your information on your phone. If someone took my phone I would hate if they were looking at my information. I don't even have anything bad on my phone and I'm not even on it that much, but these people would be able to have access to my friends, family, activities I do and notes I write in my phone. There is a fine line when it comes to "national security" having access to your phone and it depends on the person. If the person has a record and is caught doing bad things national security should be able to have some information that they know of from there phone. They should not be able to be on it all the time just seeing what the person id doing though. I am not allowed to have a lot of social media on my phone I only have snapchat, so my parents do not check my phone that much. Every once in a while they will or if I leave it home they will, but that is just because they want to make sure nobody is cyber bulling me its not really because they are nervous I am doing something bad.  I do think parents should check kids phones but they cannot be crazy about every little things. Obliviously kids are going to make mistakes and they have to keep that in mind. I think kids should be able to use electronics on there own in privately when they are 12 or 13. I believe this because at this age they need to start being able to use electronic devices in school, there parents know if they can trust them, an because they will be hanging out with friends and need to be able to contact parents and or other adults.