Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Car raid

Car raid

I learned that my friend has been saving lives since fourth grade just by finding a ton of dogs toys and dog accessories in her car. Brooke Folliard has quite a few dogs, and other animals. I just figured she was an animal person, but really I never knew she was saving lives. Brooke and her family have been fostering since she was in fourth grade.

“We started fostering because we wanted to start helping at the animal shelter, but we were too young, so fostering was a great solution. If you foster dogs then they will not be put to sleep, and it allows them[the dogs] to get a good home,” Folliard said.

When I was in Brooke’s car I noticed that she had a lot of dog hair, dog drool, dog beds, dog bags, leashes, and tons of dog toys. I asked her about all of the dogs things and this is when she explained to me how she hates to leave her dogs alone, so she takes them everywhere with her.
“We own four dogs and we take them with us everywhere we go. For example on Monday we took our dogs through the drive through at chik-fil-a with us before school. We usually take them with us to school and they will be in the car when we get picked up from school. I don't plan on not taking them with me any time soon because I love being around them. They just fill me with joy,” Folliard said.

Whenever Brooke and her family go to a drive through to get food, and they have their dogs, which is almost every time, they will get their dogs something too. They will usually go to Taco Bueno because it is close to school. While they are at Taco Bueno the most popular item on the menu for her dogs are tacos or french fries. Popular restaurants to her dogs are Austin Scoops or Sweet Caroline's. Here Brooke's dogs, Stewie, Buddy, Nellie, and Tess, are lucky enough to get the doggie ice cream or the dog snow cones that they serve. Every time they go it is a blast, but Brooke has a specific memory of getting her new dog, Stewie, some food.

“My favorite memory of getting my dogs food was when it was the first week we got Stewie and we had to take him to the vet and he was really good after getting his first shot, so we took him to Austin Scoops and got him his first doggie ice cream. This is my favorite memory because he was super small, and he was really cute, and he was really excited because he had never had ice cream before. I just really like to reward my dogs for being so good, and it is so much fun to see how excited they will get when we pull up to the store,” Folliard said.

Brooke owns many animals, but she has had even more foster animals. Growing up around dogs and learning to love them caused Brooke to want to help them. She has fostered over 100 dogs, and she has stayed interested in foster for so long because she loves dogs, and she loves being able to save their lives. Brooke also thinks she will countinue to stay involved in fostering as she gets older.

“I love the joy of fostering! It is such and exciting feeling to meet the new puppy, and it is even a better feeling to know that you are saving their life. I have fostered just over 115 puppies, I also really like to own my own pets though. I own one frog, two birds, one rat, a bunch of fish, 4 dogs, 2 hamsters, 2 salamanders and a guinea pig. When I am fostering I love to see how my animals will react to the new foster puppies that we take in. The moment of feeling just joy when you see those new puppies is what keeps me wanting to foster, and I don't think I will ever stop fostering," Folliard said.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Merger Photo

Current Event quiz 6.3

1. What has been Whole Foods' response to an issue with one of their cakes? Page A1 "Whole Foods cake..."
Whole foods is now pleased that the pastor has dropped his lawsuit and they ended their countersuit. After the pastor fired his lawsuit Whole Foods fired back a countersuit of $100,000.
2. What happened to the baby bison? Page A6 "Baby bison..." Make sure to answer WHY???
The baby bison died because some visitors at yellowstone thought it looked cold, so they took the baby, put it in their car, and took it to the ranger station causing the bison's mom and heard to reject it. The baby bison then had to be euthanized.

3. What is a geofilter? Page B2 "Hendrickson student creates...."
Geofilters are designs or icons that can be added to photos or videos taken in the app snapchat to show the location you are at.

4. Why is it significant that Warren Buffett bought stocks of Apple? Page B6 "Berkshire makes unusual...."
Warren Buffett usually stays away from technology companies becasue it is hard to tell which ones will prevail long term.

5. What are the top-5 grossing movies this week? Page D2 "Money Monsters...."
The top five grossing movies of this week are Captain  America: Civil War, The Jungle Book, Money Monster, The darkness, and Mothers day. 

Short Answer:
I would prefer to go to Disneyland because that place is where my childhood took place practically. I would visit Disneyland almost every month with my dad before I had to go to school because his family lived in California, and we would visit them all the time. Disneyland is also, generally, a very happy place and I love it there. The competition between is heating up because so many people have decided to got to Harry Potter World because it is new and exciting, and Harry Potter is amazing, the books were a hit, and Disneyland is old and all the people have already been there. My favorite disney character is Rapunzel because she has such a kind, loving, and bubbly personality. She is a good person and the movie Tangled is hilarious, but it also includes a very meaning full message. I also really like Rey from the new Star Wars though. If I was in Harry Potter I would probably be in the Hufflepuff, even though I would want to be in Gryffindor. I would be in Hufflepuff because of my personality. I am nice and kinda brave, but I think my qualities would fit in Hufflepuff rather than Gryffindor. 

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Final Exam Planning

  • I am going to shoot for this project on Thurs, Fri, and or Sat.
  • I am going to shoot outside in my front or back yard
  • I will be describing how to plant a tree
  • To get this project finished I will need to have a camera that can take pictures and videos, I may need to get iMovie at my own house, I will probably need a tripod, and I will need a tree.
  • For the project I will start by taking a picture of my yard and I will put narration on it, then I will take a video of myself driving to the store and driving home from the store. I will take a video and possible pictures while I am picking out the tree. Then when I get home I will take pictures from there. I will take pictures of the supplies and I will take pictures of hand movements and all the things I need to do to plant the tree. I will narrate this section of the project. Then I for a few days I will take pictures of the trees growth process and it getting watered etc. The end of my project will probably be a picture of the people who helped and myself with the tree. 

Monday, May 9, 2016

HDR photography

1. Manipulations needed to be made to create an HDR image is that you need to blend a whole bunch of the same picture together to get the lighting you want. The aperture or shutter speed should be changed in each of the picture a little so you can get the best result. 
2. The equipment needed to take an HDR image is a tripod, HDR photo blending software, and a camera that preferably has Auto Exposer Bracketing.
3. Someone might want to take a HDR image because there could be amazing lighting that the camera cannot capture by itself and by using a HDR image you can show others the amazing lighting that you are witnessing. 
4. I expect for the photos lighting to be more of a real representation then what just one photo may have captured. I also expect that the contrast will be more vibrant. 

Current Event #6.2

1. What was the percentage of voters who rejected Proposition 1 regarding ride sharing in Austin? Page A1 "Prop 1 defeat sparks..."
Nearly 56% of voters rejected Proposition 1

2. What provision of the campus carry gun laws is UT-Austin planning to implement that other schools do not plan to do? Page A1 "UT gun rules likely...." HINT: the answer is on this page, not on the jump
The provision is that a licesnce holder carrying a semi-automatic handgun on campus can not have a chambered round of ammunition. 
3. Why do experts say "El Chapo's" new prison a bad place to hold him? Page A8 "El Chapo's new prison..."
Experts say it is a bad place to hold him because it is in territory that he knows and he has people in that territory that are in his empire that could help him to escape. The experts also say the jail El Chapo is being moved to is less secure.

4. What is Petcube? page B5 "It's like Skype for Fido"
Petcube is like FaceTime or Skype. Basically you can talk and play with your pets on the app. On of the main differences is that your pet doesn't have to pick up the phone. You can just check up on your pet by using the Petcube app and you can play with them using a laser pointer.

5. Who won the Kentucky Derby yesterday? Page C1 "Nyquist could face...."
Nyquist won the Kentucky Derby yesterday.

Short Answer:
I have never taken Uber of Lyft, but I think it is definitely something I will use in the future if it is still continuing. The only reason I have not taken Uber or Lyft is because my mom will not let me go with either of those companies on my own, and my family has not needed to get a ride from a taxi, Uber, Lyft, etc. I think ride sharing is a good thing. I also think it is a good thing for the community of Austin because there are always events going on a people visiting and it is hard to get a ride somewhere or get a taxi because there are so many other people trying to do the same things. The difference between ride sharing companies and taxi cabs is that ride sharing is more casual and takes advantage of technology advances today. Uber and Lyft have apps now that make it easier for people to get a ride faster. For taxis you have to call and the cars might not be as nice or reliable. I think ride sharing companies should be held to the same safety standards because safety of the people should be the number one priority. I also think that they should allow ride sharing companies even though there is a small risk to it.