Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Lone Star Dispatch #4

Front Page: A her policy for transfers takes effect
Summary: This year AISD has changed the transfer policy for the districts due to over crowding. Transfers can no longer to transfer to schools unless it is a sibling, tracking, or majority and minority transfer. Bowie and Akins are both frozen because of to much over crowding.
Who? Austin ISD schools and transfers to the schools in ASID districts.
What? Transfer students can no longer transfer to schools in the AISD district unless they have a sibling, tracking, or majority and minority transfer.
Where?All the schools in the ASID district
When?The policy is starting for the school year of 2016-2017
Why?This policy is being made due to over crowding at the schools
How?AISD district had made this policy.
Who was quoted in the story? Andri Lyons, Jessica Torrez, and Michaela Gero. 
What quote was the strongest in your opinion????????????
Did the lead sentence make you want to keep reading? Yes the lead sentence made me want to keep reading.
Was the conclusion a quote or a statement? Statement

Student Life: Red Cross Club presidents raise awareness about medical and health issues to make a difference
Summary: The red cross club is a great club that helps in many different ways. They help with diseases not only in the united states but in many places across the world today. They help with a lot of fundraising and are becoming bigger each year. 
Who? The Red Cross Club at Bowie High School
What?The Red Cross Club has done many wonderful things that have helped people in the United States and in places across the world. They do a lot of wonderful fundraising and the fact that these students are helping others makes there days better. 
Where?The club is at Bowie High School but they are helping others in many places like Africa.
When?The club is active currently and I'm sure they are going to try and do it next year and years to come.
Why? These students in this club want to help others and the Red Cross Foundation is about helping others, so our school has allowed students to help others with easy access. 
How? The students get to help others with the help of the Red Cross foundation and there fellow students and teachers/staff. 
Who was quoted in the story?Caleb Newton, Madison Winn, and Erin Kowalik.
What quote was the the strongest in your opinion? "The Red Cross, and more specifically our club, is unique in the fact that it not only makes me feel like I'm actually making a difference in the world, but also that the entire club can make an impact on a person in need's like who were haven't even met," Newton said. 
Did the lead sentence make you want to keep reading? Yes the lead sentence made me want to keep reading.
Was the conclusion a quote or statement? Quote

News: Celebration history with the tulip-cultural club
Summary:This story is about how it is black history month and the multi-cultural club is celebrating. They are celebrating and recognizing all the African Americans who have made the United States a better place. They decided what they are going to do each day of the month to mak black history month a bigger deal and funner for the students. 
Who? The multi-cultural club at bowie high school 
Who was quoted in this story?Joyce Brisco, Kyndall Johnson, Corie Hall, Ariana Edwards, 

Friday, February 12, 2016

Magazines part two

Early magazine covers typically had a small illustration or none at all. Because the bible was read primarily, sometimes the illustrations on the magazines would be an allegorical message requiring interpretation. They would usually have the table of contents for the magazine or something that says what would be in the magazine.
A poster cover magazine cover usually had no cover lines and a beautiful large picture/illustration that was not covered by the title of the magazine.
Pictures married to type is when the art and the text fit together on the cover in a cohesive way. There are cover lines and the is unique. The model could possibly be in a pose that you usual would not expect to see.
In the forest of words include intense photography instead of artistic illustrations on the covers. There is a big number of easily seen cover lines. Some of the cover lines could be bigger than the logo/title. Again the art and the text are cohesive and they go together well and it all fits on the page well.

Favorite cover

Vanity Fair, November 2014, Jennifer Lawrence
"Just before her intimate photos were hacked--and splashed across the Web--Jennifer Lawrence posed topless for Patrick Demarchelier for the cover of Vanity Fair's November issue. As part of the accompanying cover story, she decided to break her silence about one of the biggest scandals in Hollywood this year. The Guardian called her salvo "the end of the 'shamed starlet.'" So strong was the outpouring of social-media support for Lawrence's stance that The New York Times reported on the fact "fans took to Twitter to applaud her." Demarchelier's striking photos of the Hunger Games actress also helped spark a thoughtful debate about a woman's right to reveal her body. Lawrence (and the V.F. cover) made her message loud and clear: "It's my body, and it should be my choice."
- See more at:

This cover is my favorite magazine self portrait cover because the colors are very appealing to my eyes. They did a nice job of making their name stand out while still allowing the subject(Jennifer Lawrence) stand out. I really like what they did with the background. The leaves are not distracting, but they are appealing, and the leaves and water are calming.The lighting in the photo is also very appealing to the eyes. They lighted the subject really well, and because of the calm background they lighted it well so you can still see it but it is not distracting at all. I do not necessarily agree with what vanity fair and Jennifer Lawrence were talking about, but I do like that they are talking about women's rights.I like the fact that Jennifer is using her publicity to make a statement that is not fake. She seems to be telling her real opinion, and she does't seem to be faking what she is saying just to get paid. The text they choose to put on the cover is also appealing, it makes you want to read the inside of the magazine and figure out why they put the quote "Its my body, and it should be my choice."

Best magazine covers of 2015 (Best covers)


Magazine tips

When thinking about your design cover you should make sure your cover is cohesive. It should have pictorial and verbal appeals. Don't judge your cover on the screen. Make sure the cover pops out. Try to do something bold and courageous.

Monday, February 8, 2016

Prompt Shoot #2




Current Event Quiz #4.3

1. What are five things you should know about the Zika virus? Page A1

1. Zika is in Travis County.
2.Zika is linked with birth defects
3.Zika has been found in saliva and urine.
4.Pregnet women are at risk.
5.There is no vaccine for zika. 

2. How is Ft. Hood promoting renewable energy? Page A1

Ft. Hood is using solar panels and wind farms to save energy and to promote renewable energy. 

3. What are three of the top jobs that do not require a 4-year college degree? Page B7

1. Licensed practical nurse
3.Construction and building inspector

4. Who won the Super Bowl and what was the score? Page C1

The Broncos defeated the Carolina Panthers 24-10 at the Super Bowl. 

5. Skim the Webb Report on Page D2, which story was the most interesting? Just give me the subheadline of the six stories there.

The most interesting story to me is "Antonelli's Free Cheese Week". The subhead lines of the six stories are 1. Chi'lantro and Infinite Monkey Theorem Dinner 2. Antonelli's Free Cheese Week 3. Jamie Harris at Cactus Cafe 4. Ash Almonte at Russell Collection Fine Arts Gallery 5. Start your engines 6. Horn up, McConaughey.

Short answer:
My favorite photo is the small football one at the bottom of page SA1. This is my favorite photo because the lighting is really good, and the I like how the background is blurred. It was action packed too. The photo that had the most interesting stuff was "Talking about Water". The photo that was the most boring was "To the Victor goes the Spoils". The photo with the most interesting subject is "Here Comes the Snow".

Thursday, February 4, 2016

portraits and self portraits

1. Alter your perspective
2. Frame an interesting composition/obscure part of your subject
3. play with eye contact

Environmental Portrait:

I choose this environmental portrait because it is mysterious, but has meaning. It shows the type of environment where these kids could be living, but it show so little the person looking at the photo wants to see more. It leaves the person who wants to see the photo wanting to see more.

Photography Self Portrait:

I choose this photography self portrait because I think it is mysterious. Again it leaves the person that see the photo wondering about what was happening during this, and what inspired this. It makes me want to know more behind it. It allows you to create so many different stories in your head of how this photo could be created and inspired. You wonder what the subject it thinking too.

Casual Portrait:

I choose this casual portrait because it is happy.  I like how the kids are interacting with each other. I like how intrigued the little boy looks when he is looking at his brother who is interacting with the flowers. I really like the environment they are in. The picture makes me feel happy and calm, so I enjoy it.

1. The characteristics of a environmental portrait is that there is some form of the environment that the subjects interacts with possibly normally.
2. The difference between  environmental and a casual portrait is that an environmental portrait is focused more on the environment the picture is taken in. A casual portrait is focused more on the people in the picture.
3. To get a really good self portrait you have to find a good background and you need to make it meaning full in a way. It should not just be of your face. They need to be personal and moody. You need to show your personality and yourself.
4. For an environmental portrait I would like to get a very good lighting photo on a day where the sun is shining. I would like to get a photo focused on the environment more. For a self portrait I would like to dig into my emotions and I would like to take a close up with a calm, but fu background. For a casual portrait I would like to take a picture of someone in my family just being themselves.